

为什么小程序的采用率如此之低,例如与 Flash 相比?是因为技术上的劣势,还是只是人气问题?

Why do applets have such a low adoption level, compared for example against Flash?Is it because they are technological disadvantages, or is it just an issue of popularity?


大家似乎都忘记了一点:最初 Flash 有一个非常面向设计师的工作流程,所以很多图形设计师加入并制作了看起来很酷的东西,这互联网用户觉得很有趣,所以他们会下载 Flash,社区也在不断壮大.

One point everyone seems to be forgetting: Originally Flash had a very designer oriented work-flow, so many graphical designers jumped on board and made cool looking stuff, which Internet-users found fun, so they would download Flash, and the community grew.

另一方面,Java Applets 是针对程序员和企业的,这很好,但对普通用户来说很无聊.最重要的是,当时的脚本小子(包括我自己)制作了泄漏资源和/或冻结浏览器的小程序,甚至其他更熟练的小子也使用小程序的功能来创建陷阱和有害网站,所以大多数互联网用户不会启用小程序.

Java Applets on the other hand were targeted at programmers and enterprises, and that was fine, but boring to the average user. And on-top of that the script kiddies of the time (myself included) made Applets that leaked resources and/or froze the browser, and even other more skilled kiddies used the powers of Applets to create traps, and harmful websites, so most Internet users wouldn't enable Applets.


So in the end it was probably the target developers (graphical designers vs. programmers) of each platform that caused the issues.


08-04 08:06