本文介绍了telerik radGrid - 在排序/分页/过滤器上保持客户端状态的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


即使在这个中也是如此b $ b我真的很喜欢这个样子,当顶级网格排序时,你正在做的状态消失

Even in this ajax examplewhich I really like the look of, when ever the top level grid is sorted the "state" of what you were doing "disappears"



Sort by Order Total in the Sales grid


Sort by Birth Date in the top level grid


Nancy Davoilo should now be second. Open her row.


The sales grid is no longer sorted by Order Total

This may seem trivial, or that i'm being picky; However:


If I have some text box(or some other type of method of accepting user input) on the sales grid, I would assume that this would get destroyed when sorting the top level grid.I would also think that even if I had this input on the top level grid, that sorting the top level grid (or filtering if there were filters) would destroy this input.


It seems that even paging destroys this.

所需的行为不仅仅是排序和分页似乎要完成客户端,因为它使用的是ajax请求,但实际上是客户端完成的。这意味着网格的实际行按字面顺序排序(过滤,分页等)客户端,以便任何客户端更改,例如向文本框添加文本,向对象添加css类,[或更复杂示例通过Jquery将javascript对象的引用添加到对象: $(#div1)。data(object,someObject)将在排序,分页和过滤。

The desired behavior would be for sorting and paging not just "appear" to be done client side because it's using an ajax request, but to ACTUALLY be done client side. Meaning that the actual rows of the grid are literally sorted(filtered, paged, etc.) client side so that any client side changes such as adding text to a text box, adding a css class to an object, [or in a more complex example adding a reference to a javascript object to an object via Jquery: $("#div1").data("object",someObject) would persist after sorting, paging and filtering.


Is there a way to make this happen?


Am I making what i'm looking to do clear? If not i'm happy to clarify.


Additional Notes: I would think the client side performance hit would be minimal to do something like this as long as there were not a very large number of rows. In fact there would be a lot less work on the server in recreating all of the records, repeated calls to the server/database and as in my example at the top the subPages would only need to be created once rather than twice.



  • 实施使用客户端绑定模拟层次结构的自定义解决方案,如。

    • extend the example with grid settings persister - http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/grid/examples/programming/savinggridsettingsonperuserbasis/defaultcs.aspx
    • implement custom solution to simulate hierarchy with client binding as presented in this blog post.

    这篇关于telerik radGrid - 在排序/分页/过滤器上保持客户端状态的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

    08-20 07:08