I've got a thread that goes out and looks up data on our (old) SQL server.
As data comes in, I post information to a modal dialog box - the user can't & shouldn't do anything else while all this processing is going on. The modal dialog box is just to let them see that I'm doing something and to prevent them from running another query at the same time.
Sometimes (rarely) when the code makes a call to the SQL server, the server does not respond (IT has it down for maintenance, the LAN line got cut, or the PC isn't on the network) or the person doing the query runs out of time. So, the modal dialog box does have a cancel button.
The Thread object (System.Threading.Thread) has IsBackground=true
When someone clicks Cancel, I call my KillThread
注意:我不能在此类中使用BackgroundWorker组件,因为它已与某些Windows Mobile 5代码& WM5没有BackgroundWorker.
Note: I can NOT use the BackgroundWorker component in this class because it is shared with some Windows Mobile 5 code & WM5 does not have the BackgroundWorker.
void KillThread(Thread th) {
if (th != null) {
ManualResetEvent mre = new ManualResetEvent(false);
Thread thread1 = new Thread(
() =>
try {
if (th.IsAlive) {
// 'System.Threading.Thread' does not contain a definition for 'Stop'
// and no extension method 'Stop' accepting a first argument of type
// 'System.Threading.Thread' could be found (are you missing a using
// directive or an assembly reference?)
} catch (Exception err) {
} finally {
string text = "Thread Killer";
thread1.IsBackground = true;
thread1.Name = text;
bool worked = mre.WaitOne(1000);
if (!worked) {
Console.WriteLine(text + " Failed");
th = null;
In my Output Window, I always see "Thread Killer Failed" but no exception is ever thrown.
The best related posts I found where the two below:
There seems to be some confusion with the method I listed above.
First, when someone clicks the cancel button, this routine is called:
void Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
对象. 不应该花整整一秒钟(1000毫秒)来停止线程,但是每次WaitOne
Next, when I go in to kill a thread, I'd rather not have to wait forever for the thread to stop. At the same time, I don't want to let my code proceed if the thread is still active. So, I use a ManualResetEvent
object. It should not take a full second (1000ms) just to stop a thread, but every time the WaitOne
method times out.
Short Answer: You don't. Normally you do it by signaling you want to quit.If you're firing an SQL query, do it asynchronously (pardon my spelling), and cancel it if necessary. That really goes for any lengthy task in a separate thread.
有关更多阅读,请参阅Eric Lippert的文章:请小心那把斧头,第一部分:我应该指定超时时间吗?和小心用那把斧头,第二部分:那例外呢?
For further reading see Eric Lippert's articles:Careful with that axe, part one: Should I specify a timeout? and Careful with that axe, part two: What about exceptions?
您如何称呼SQL Server? ADO,TDS,标准/自定义库等...?该调用应异步进行.因此:StartOpeningConnection,WaitFor OpeningComplete,StartQuery,WaitFor QueryComplete,Start CloseConnection,WaitFor CloseConnectionComplete等.在任何等待期间,您的线程应处于休眠状态.唤醒后,检查您的父线程(UI线程)是否已取消,或者是否发生了超时并退出线程,并可能通知sqlserver您已完成(关闭连接).
How do you call SQL Server? ADO, TDS, Standard/Custom Library, etc... ?THAT call should be made asynchrone.Thus: StartOpeningConnection, WaitFor OpeningComplete, StartQuery, WaitFor QueryComplete, Start CloseConnection, WaitFor CloseConnectionComplete etc. During any of the waits your thread should sleep. After waking up, Check if your parent thread (the UI thread) has cancelled, or a timeout has occurred and exit the thread and possibly inform sqlserver that you're done (closing connection).
It's not easy, but it rarely is...
编辑2 :在您的情况下,如果您无法将数据库代码更改为异步,则将其设置为单独的进程,并在必要时将其杀死.这样,资源(连接等)将被释放.对于线程,情况并非如此. 但这是一个丑陋的黑客.
Edit 2:In your case, if you are unable to change the database code to asynchrone, make it a seperate process and kill that if neccesary. That way the resources (connection etc.) will be released. With threads, this won't be the case. But it's an ugly hack.
修改3:您应该使用BeginExecuteReader/EndExecuteReader模式. 这篇文章是不错的参考:它将需要重写您的数据访问代码,但这是正确执行此操作的方法.
Edit 3:You should use the BeginExecuteReader/EndExecuteReader Pattern. this article is a good reference:It will require rewriting your data access code, but it's the way to do it properly.