我已经下载了几个ipython笔记本,我想在浏览器标签中打开它们,而不导航到我已下载到的目录并运行 ipython notebook notebook_name.ipynb
I've downloaded a couple of ipython notebooks, and I'd like to open them in browser tabs without navigating to the directory I've downloaded them to and running ipython notebook notebook_name.ipynb
I realize this probably means I'm lazy, but it seems like a common use case to me. Am I missing something obvious?
使用应用程序,用于打开和处理您的IPython / Jupyter笔记本电脑。非常酷。
Use Pineapple application for opening and working on your IPython/Jupyter notebooks. It is pretty cool.
现在有,这是一个类似jupyter的桌面应用程序。安装后,将其设为打开 .ipynb
Now there is nteract, which is a new jupyter-like Desktop app. After installing it, make it the default app for opening .ipynb
files. Then just double-click any notebook to start it right away.