我有一个在 Android 模拟器中运行的程序.我时不时地创建一个签名的 .apk 并将其导出到我的 HTC Desire 进行测试.一切都很好.
I have a program working in the Android Emulator. Every now and again I have been creating a signed .apk and exporting it to my HTC Desire to test. It has all been fine.
在我最近导出的 .apk 上,当我尝试安装 .apk 时收到错误消息未安装应用程序".它在模拟器上运行良好.
On my latest exported .apk I get the error message 'App not installed' when I try to install the .apk. It runs fine on the emulators.
As I have mainly been testing on the emulators and only every now and again exporting to a real phone I am not sure when this happened. What is the likely cause of it not installing on a physical phone but running fine in the emulators?
我试过重启手机删除现有的 .apk,并不能解决问题.
I have tried rebooting the phone & removing the existing .apk, does not fix the fault.
对我来说,在 Android 9 (API 28) 上,从 Play 商店应用程序中禁用 Google Play Protect 奏效了,我是能够摆脱 App not Installed
For me, On Android 9 (API 28), disabling Google Play Protect from play store app worked the trick, and i was able to get rid of the App not Installed
禁用 Google Play 保护.打开Play 商店"应用程序 => 点击在菜单按钮上 => 选择播放保护"选项 => 禁用选项扫描设备是否存在安全威胁".
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