在使用 Eclipse + ADT 很多时间后,我决定尝试 Android Studio.我在一台装有 JDK 7 64 位的 Windows 7 64 位机器上工作.
After a lot of time with Eclipse + ADT, I decided to try Android Studio.I work on a Windows 7 64bits machine, with JDK 7 64bits installed on it.
我已下载 Android Studio 0.3.2,安装它,升级到 0.4.0,然后尝试创建一个新的空白项目(针对 API 19).我点击了向导上的完成".
I've downloaded Android Studio 0.3.2, installed it, upgraded to 0.4.0, then tried to create a new blank project (targeting API 19). I clicked "Finish" on the wizard.
Android Studio 似乎在 C:/Users/me/.gradle (~150MB) 中成功下载了 Gradle,然后我收到一个进度对话框,上面写着Gradle: Build".
Android Studio seems to have downloaded Gradle successfully in C:/Users/me/.gradle (~150MB), then I get a progress dialog saying "Gradle: Build".
没有更多的网络活动,即使我等待 1 小时也没有.
No more network activity, nothing even if I wait for 1h.
我在谷歌上搜索了这个问题,但没有发现可比的(只有 Gradle 下载问题,这似乎不是我的情况).
I've googled this problem, but found nothing comparable (only Gradle download problem, which doesn't seem to be my case).
我没有使用 studio64.exe 启动 Android Studio,而是使用了 studio.exe(32 位版本)并且它有效.
Instead of launching Android Studio with studio64.exe, I used studio.exe (32 bits version) and it works.
这篇关于新项目向导后卡在 Android Studio 中的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!