当GC知道时,主要入口点是什么,对象是垃圾,必须将其收集.这个问题在微软第二轮采访中问我,我回答了有关应用程序根目录以及如何生成图的问题,但他们对此并不满意.所以请帮我知道这一点.如果您知道的话,请纯写GC内部文档.prg_anil @ yahoo.co.in,prg.apv @ gmail.com:-\谢谢.[QUESTION ASKED ME AT MICRO-SOFT 2nd ROUND] :((What is the Primary Entry point when GC know that,object is garbage and has to collect it.This question asked to me at Microsoft Second round of interview,i answerd about application root and how graph get generated but they were not satisfied with that.so please help me out to know this.Please write purely internal of GC if you [email protected],[email protected] :-\Thanks.推荐答案请考虑所有位于堆上的对象,这些对象在使用时都指向它们的指针(图形上的连接器).每当没有指针指向那些对象时,即当该对象不再与图形上的任何对象连接时,它对于GC是可行的.这是您要的吗?Think of all objects lying on a heap with pointers (connectors on a graphs) pointing to them as they are being used. Whenever no pointers are pointing to those objects i.e. when the object is not connected to anything on the graph any more - it is viable for GC. Is this what you were asking? 这篇关于当GC知道对象是垃圾时,什么是主要入口点?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!