


Trying to understand how to create nested dictionaries on the fly. Ideally my dictionary would look something like:

mydict = { 'Message 114861156': { 'email': ['user1@domain.com', 'user2@domain.com'] }, { 'status': 'Queued mail for delivery' }}


Here's what i have so far:

sampledata = "Message 114861156 to user1@domain.com user2@domain.com  [InternalId=260927844] Queued mail for delivery'."


def makedict(results):
  newdict = {}
  for item in results:
    msgid = re.search(r'Message \d+', item)
    msgid = msgid.group()
    newdict[msgid]['emails'] = re.findall(r'\w+@\w+\.\w+', item)
    newdict[msgid]['status'] = re.findall(r'Queued mail for delivery', item)


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "wildfires.py", line 57, in <module>
  File "wildfires.py", line 47, in striptheshit
    newdict[msgid]['emails'] = re.findall(r'\w+@\w+\.\w+', item)
KeyError: 'Message 114861156'


How do you make a nested dictionary like this on the fly?



dict.setdefault is a good tool, so is collections.defaultdict

您现在的问题是newdict是一个空字典,因此newdict[msgid]引用了不存在的键.这在分配事物(newdict[msgid] = "foo")时有效,但是由于newdict[msgid]最初未设置为 的任何内容,因此当您尝试对其进行索引时,会得到一个KeyError.

Your problem right now is that newdict is an empty dictionary, so newdict[msgid] refers to a non-existent key. This works when assigning things (newdict[msgid] = "foo"), however since newdict[msgid] isn't set to anything originally, when you try to index it you get a KeyError.


dict.setdefault lets you sidestep that by initially saying "If msgid exists in newdict, give me its value. If not, set its value to {} and give me that instead.

def makedict(results):
    newdict = {}
    for item in results:
        msgid = re.search(r'Message \d+', item).group()
        newdict.setdefault(msgid, {})['emails'] = ...
        newdict[msgid]['status'] = ...
        # Now you KNOW that newdict[msgid] is there, 'cuz you just created it if not!

使用collections.defaultdict可以节省调用dict.setdefault的步骤. defaultdict用要调用的函数初始化,该函数生成一个容器,该容器将任何不存在的键都分配为值,例如

Using collections.defaultdict saves you the step of calling dict.setdefault. A defaultdict is initialized with a function to call that produces a container that any non-existent key gets assigned as a value, e.g.

from collections import defaultdict

foo = defaultdict(list)
# foo is now a dictionary object whose every new key is `list()`
foo["bar"].append(1)  # foo["bar"] becomes a list when it's called, so we can append immediately


You can use this to say "Hey if I talk to you about a new msgid, I want it to be a new dictionary.

from collections import defaultdict

def makedict(results):
    newdict = defaultdict(dict)
    for item in results:
        msgid = re.search(r'Message \d+', item).group()
        newdict[msgid]['emails'] = ...
        newdict[msgid]['status'] = ...


08-22 17:46