这些天,我正在使用全日历.我想更改周视图中日期的格式.我发现许多人都成功使用columnFormat:{month:'ddd',week:'ddd d/M',day:'dddd d/M'},但这对我不起作用.也许存在的理由是我使用西班牙语作为语言?这是我的日历代码以及我要执行的操作.谢谢.
These days i'm working with the fullcalendar.I want to change the format of the date in the weekview. I found that many people succeeded with columnFormat: { month: 'ddd', week: 'ddd d/M', day: 'dddd d/M' }, but this one doesn't work for me.Maybe the raison is i used spanish as the language?Here is my code of calendar and what i want to do. Thank you.
//defaultView: 'week',
locale: "es",
header: {
left: 'prev,next today',
center: 'title',
right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
//defaultDate: '2016-01-12',
editable: true,
eventLimit: true, // allow "more" link when too many events
selectable: true,
selectHelper: true,
minTime: "09:30:00",
maxTime: "19:30:00",
slotLabelFormat: "h:mm",
slotDuration: "00:30:00",
slotLabelInterval: "00:30:00",
//columnFormat: { month: "ddd", week: "ddd D", day: "dddd" },
select: function(start, end) {
With this code, i got this one now:
And if i delete the '//' of line of columnFormat, it's like:
Can someone help me? Thank you.
views: {
month: {
columnFormat: 'dddd' // set format for month here
week: {
columnFormat: 'ddd d/M' // set format for week here
day: {
columnFormat: 'dddd' // set format for day here
从您的代码中删除 columnFormat
并设置 views
remove columnFormat
from your code and set views