

这真是出乎意料的行为。我正在使用JavaFX WebView 。为了使Web请求通过本地代理,我写了类似的代码:

This is really unexpected behavior. I'm writing a simple web browser using the JavaFX WebView. To make the web requests go through a local proxy, I wrote code similar to this:

System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "localhost");
System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "8080");


It appears to work fine if the proxy is running. However, if it isn't, Java silently reverts to not using a proxy at all! How can I force Java to fail if the proxy is not available?


您可以使用自定义 ProxySelector 只允许你的代理,并且不提供 Proxy.NO_PROXY 作为替代:

You may be able to do this with a custom ProxySelector which only allows your proxy, and doesn't offer Proxy.NO_PROXY as an alternative:

import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;

public class AlwaysProxySelector implements ProxySelector {
  private List<Proxy> proxies = Arrays.asList(new Proxy[] {
        new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8080))

  public List<Proxy> select(URI u) { return proxies; }
  public void connectFailed(URI u, SocketAddress a, IOException e) {}

使用 ProxySelector.setDefault(new AlwaysProxySelector())安装此选择器;
