本文介绍了AWS SES生产准入设置与流星的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


设置流星使用开箱即用AWS SES很简单,人们可以使用本机流星电子邮件的方法,而修改。

Setting up Meteor to use "out of the box" AWS SES is simple, and one can use native Meteor "Email" methods without modification.

步骤来实现此可以在这里找到。感谢Brian  Shamblen用于组建一个详细的解答。


But one caveat with the "out of the box" SES is you need to both verify the sender and receiver email address.

要解决这个问题,你可以提出一个要求与AWS SES他们所谓,生产准入

To remedy this, you can put in a request with AWS SES for what they call, Production Access.


And further, according to Brian Shamblen,

要获得生产准入的过程是相当复杂的。一会  需要从SES和prevent处理弹跳和投诉通知  从消息发送到这些地址在未来。

什么是流星的 code 被发送到这些地址在将来参与处理弹跳和投诉的通知,从SES和prevent消息?


What is the Meteor code involved in handling bounce and complaint notifications from SES and prevent messages from being sent to those addresses in the future?


EDIT: Made modifications to question for clarity.



Requesting production access is fairly straightforward. You just need to contact them and they usually give it to you in a couple of hours.


Information about the process is here: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/request-production-access.html

将最多的网址: http://aws.amazon.com/ses/fullaccessrequest/,让他们知道你将通过电子邮件发送,例如,如果你将要发送的交易为基础的电子邮件(核查交易等)

Load up the URL : http://aws.amazon.com/ses/fullaccessrequest/ and let them know what you will be sending via Emails, for example if you will be sending transaction based email (verification of a transaction, etc)


With production access you can either send email from:


Any email under an entire domain. Under this process you prove you own the domain by editing its DNS records to contain a 'key'.


Most use cases are covered under production access, they typically give you 2000 emails a day and rate limit emails to 5/sec (they queue them so the maximum send rate is 5/sec). If you need more than this you can contact them to raise this additionally.

验证的过程是阻止人们快速创建AWS账户大规模垃圾邮件的用户。如果他们允许这种直客则AWS IP地址将在被看作是垃圾邮件等电子邮件服务提供商。

The process of verification is to stop people quickly creating AWS accounts to mass-spam users. If they allowed this straight-off then AWS IPs would be looked at as spam by other email providers.


For bounce notifications, SES tracks these, and you have to make sure that you don't get an above average bounce rate. Typically these would come from sending unsolicited email, which I wouldn't advise sending via SES.

这篇关于AWS SES生产准入设置与流星的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!