


How can I generate independent pseudo-random numbers on a cluster, for Monte Carlo simulation for example? I can have many compute nodes (e.g. 100), and I need to generate millions of numbers on each node. I need a warranty that a PRN sequence on one node will not overlap the PRN sequence on another node.

  • 我可以在根节点上生成所有PRN,然后将它们发送到其他节点.但这太慢了.
  • 我可以在每个节点上按顺序跳到一个已知的距离.但是,对于Mersenne-Twister或其他任何良好的PRNG,是否有这样的算法,可以在合理的时间和内存范围内完成?
  • 我可以在每个节点上使用不同的生成器.但是,像梅森-特格尔(Mersenne-Twister)这样的优质发电机有可能吗?怎么办?
  • 还有其他人吗?



You should never use potentially overlapping random streams obtained from the same original stream. If you have not tested the resulting interleaved stream, you have no idea of its statistic quality.

幸运的是, Merenne Twister(MT)将帮助您完成分发任务.使用其称为 Dynamic Creator (此后称为DC)的专用算法,您可以创建独立随机数生成器,以生成高度独立的随机流.

Fortunately, Mersenne Twister (MT) will help you in your distribution task. Using its dedicated algorithm, called Dynamic Creator (DC hereafter), you can create independent random number generators that will produce highly independent random streams.


Each stream will be created on the node that will be using it. Basically, think of DC as a constructor in object oriented paradigm that creates different instances of MT. Each different instance is designed to produce highly independent random sequences.

您可以在此处找到DC: http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~m-mat/MT/DC/dc.html

You can find DC here: http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~m-mat/MT/DC/dc.html
It's quite straightforward to use and you'll be able to fix different parameters such as the number of different MT instances you want to obtain or the period of these MTs. Depending on its input parameter, DC will runtime will change.


In addition of the README coming along with DC, take a look at the file example/new_example2.c in the DC archive. It shows example of calls to get independent sequences given a different input identifier, which is basically what you have to identify cluster jobs.


Finally, if you intend to learn more about how to use PRNGs in parallel or distributed environments, I suggest you read this scientific articles:

用于随机高性能计算的随机流的实用分布 ,David RC Hill,在国际高性能计算与仿真(HPCS)会议上 >,2010年


05-28 19:05