我正在使用 Android Studio 8.9
I'm working With Android Studio 8.9
我有一个 build.gradle 定义了以下依赖项:
I've got a build.gradle with the following dependency defined:
compile ('my.program.commons:my-program-commons:0.0.2-SNAPSHOT@jar')
此依赖项存储在私有的 Sonatype nexus 存储库中.
This dependency is stored in a private Sonatype nexus repository.
当我对 my.program.commons 代码进行更改时,我会上传到 nexus.
When I make changes in the my.program.commons code, I upload to nexus.
问题是,当我尝试针对新的 SNAPSHOT android studio 进行编译时,将无法获取更改.
The problem is that when I then try to compile against the new SNAPSHOT android studio will fail to pick up changes.
当从命令行运行时,gradle 将成功构建 - 但 Android Studio 将无法识别新文件.
When run from the command line gradle will build succesfully - but Android Studio will not recognize the new files.
如果我做一个版本勾号——比如从 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT 到 0.0.3-SNAPSHOT,Android Studio 会理解新版本并下载,一切正常.
If i do a version tick - say from 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT to 0.0.3-SNAPSHOT Android Studio will understand the new version and download and everything works out fine.
I don't want to have to do a minor version tick on every single change.
你需要配置缓存时长,默认情况下 gradle 不会在 24 小时内寻找更新:
You need to configure the cache duration, by default gradle won't look for updates for 24 hours:
这篇关于Android Studio:快照依赖项未正确更新的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!