

我有与程序结合使用的Motorola DS4208条形码扫描仪.问题是我想为扫描添加一些字符前缀,以便程序知道扫描程序已扫描了某个项目.我尝试按照用户指南的说明进行操作,但是扫描仪没有在前缀前面加上字符,而是在回车符前面加上了前缀.

I have a Motorola DS4208 barcode scanner that I have been using in combination with a program. The problem is I want to prefix the scans with some character so that the program knows an item was scanned by the scanner. I've tried following the user guide's instructions but instead of prefixing a character, the scanner prefixed a carriage return.


是指扫描仪产品参考指南,您应该能够扫描一系列条形码,以使用第4页上详细介绍的前缀来配置扫描仪.本指南35: https://www.zebra.com/content/dam/zebra_new_ia/zh-CN/manuals/barcode-scanners/ds4208-product-reference-guide-zh-cn.pdf

are you referring to the scanner product reference guide, you should be able to scan a series of barcodes to configure the scanner with a prefix as detailed on page 4-35 of this guide: https://www.zebra.com/content/dam/zebra_new_ia/en-us/manuals/barcode-scanners/ds4208-product-reference-guide-en-us.pdf


08-04 00:46