


I am writing a shell script to run under the KornShell (ksh) on AIX. I would like to use the mkdir command to create a directory. But the directory may already exist, in which case I do not want to do anything. So I want to either test to see that the directory does not exist, or suppress the "File exists" error that mkdir throws when it tries to create an existing directory.


Any thoughts on how best to do this?


尝试 mkdir -p :

mkdir -p foo


Note that this will also create any intermediate directories that don't exist; for instance,

mkdir -p foo/bar/baz


will create directories foo, foo/bar, and foo/bar/baz if they don't exist.

某些实现(例如GNU mkdir)将mkdir --parents作为更易读的别名,但这未在POSIX/Single Unix Specification中指定,并且在macOS,各种BSD和各种商业Unix等许多常见平台上不可用,因此应该避免.

Some implementation like GNU mkdir include mkdir --parents as a more readable alias, but this is not specified in POSIX/Single Unix Specification and not available on many common platforms like macOS, various BSDs, and various commercial Unixes, so it should be avoided.

如果您希望在父目录不存在时发生错误,并且要在目录不存在时创建该目录,则可以 test 表示首先存在目录:

If you want an error when parent directories don't exist, and want to create the directory if it doesn't exist, then you can test for the existence of the directory first:

[ -d foo ] || mkdir foo


07-18 05:15