I'm making a small server-side application that will communicate with a browser via WebSockets, and am considering writing it in Kotlin.
是否存在与Kotlin配合使用的WebSockets API,或者该Java WebSockets API符合要求吗?
Is there a WebSockets API that works particularly well with Kotlin, or will any Java WebSockets API fit the bill?
This library worked for me very well in Kotlin. Actually, most java libraries worked well for me with Kotlin.
更新最近发布了模块. /square.github.io/okhttp/"rel =" nofollow> OkHttp 支持WebSocket的库.这是一个Beta版本,但我可以尝试一下,因为OkHttp本身可以很好地与Kotlin配合使用.
UpdateThere was recently released a module for OkHttp library that supports WebSockets. It's a beta version but I would give it a try since OkHttp itself works well with Kotlin.