本文介绍了Kotlin Decompiler生成错误代码-是否可以防止?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


class CheckInventory(target: Target) : Command(target) {


使用IntelliJ的 Show Kotlin字节码反编译上述Kotlin代码时,选项,它会继续在 super()调用上方生成一条语句:

When decompiling the above Kotlin code using the IntelliJ's "Show Kotlin bytecode" option, it keeps generating a statement above the super() call:

class CheckInventory extends Command {
    public CheckInventory(Target target) {
        Intrinsic.checkParameterIsNotNull(target, "target");
        super(target); //error, must be first call


There are a few other issues, such as generating top-level classes with an access modifier for WhenMapping:

public class MyClass {


public final class MyClass$WhenMappings { //error, shouldn't be public



I checked for both Kotlin and IntelliJ updates, and I'm using the latest version for both.


At first I thought it may had to do with poorly written Kotlin code, but even the simplest code files seem to require some sort of check/generation that's illegal in Java.



否。 IntelliJ IDEA中的Java反编译器旨在反编译Java源代码。 Kotlin编译器与Java编译器会生成不同的字节码模式,因此Java反编译器并不总是生成有效的Java代码的输出。

No. The Java decompiler in IntelliJ IDEA is designed for decompiling Java source code. The Kotlin compiler generates different bytecode patterns from the Java compiler, so the Java decompiler does not always produce output which is valid Java code.

这篇关于Kotlin Decompiler生成错误代码-是否可以防止?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-17 03:30