

我们在Windows上,我们希望针对应用程序意外退出的 all 方案进行故障转储(可能使用 MiniDumpWriteDump ).

We're on Windows and we want to get a crash dump (possibly using MiniDumpWriteDump) for all scenarios where our application exit's unexpectedly.


So far we have identified, and set up, the following:

  • SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 用于未处理的异常(Win32以及常规" C ++异常.)
  • _set_invalid_parameter_handler 用于CRT无效参数处理
  • _set_abort_behavior 加上一个 SIGABRT 处理程序,以解决对 abort()
  • 的调用
  • SetUnhandledExceptionFilter for unhandled exception (Win32 as well as "normal" C++ ones.)
  • _set_invalid_parameter_handler for the CRT invalid argument handling
  • _set_abort_behaviorplus a SIGABRT handler to account for calls to abort()

有什么我们想念的吗?(对某些代码进行非法模块化,非法调用 ExitProcess TerminateProcess exit 变体之一.)

Is there anything we missed? (Modulo some code non-legitimately calling ExitProcess, TerminateProcess or one of the exit variants.)

我会注意到,这里的问题与如何崩溃崩溃转储正交.例如,如果您要在发生 abort 的情况下进行崩溃转储,则必须始终使用 _set_abort_behaviour ,因为否则将中止 exit s.

I'll note that this question here is orthogonal to how a crash dump is then obtained. E.g., if you want a crash dump in case of abort, you always must use _set_abort_behaviour because otherwise abort just exits.

我还将注意到,在Windows7 +上,不是设置 SetUHEF 并仅设置在注册表中正确" WER转储设置通常是可行的方法.

I'll also note that on Windows7+, not setting SetUHEF and just setting up the "correct" WER dump settings in the registry is often a viable way.


我完全使用您列出的内容,加上 _set_purecall_handler ,以及以下方便的代码段:

I use exactly the ones you've listed, plus _set_purecall_handler, plus this handy snippet of code:

void EnableCrashingOnCrashes()
    typedef BOOL (WINAPI *tGetPolicy)(LPDWORD lpFlags);
    typedef BOOL (WINAPI *tSetPolicy)(DWORD dwFlags);
    static const DWORD EXCEPTION_SWALLOWING = 0x1;

    const HMODULE kernel32 = LoadLibraryA("kernel32.dll");
    const tGetPolicy pGetPolicy = (tGetPolicy)GetProcAddress(kernel32, "GetProcessUserModeExceptionPolicy");
    const tSetPolicy pSetPolicy = (tSetPolicy)GetProcAddress(kernel32, "SetProcessUserModeExceptionPolicy");
    if(pGetPolicy && pSetPolicy)
        DWORD dwFlags;
            // Turn off the filter
            pSetPolicy(dwFlags & ~EXCEPTION_SWALLOWING);

来源: http://randomascii.wordpress.com/2012/07/05/when-even-crashing-doesnt-work/

他网站上的其他这些文章也帮助我理解了这一点: http://randomascii.wordpress.com/2011/12/07/increased通过更多的崩溃/ http://randomascii.wordpress.com/2012/07/22/more-adventures未能正确崩溃/

These other articles on his site also helped me understand this:http://randomascii.wordpress.com/2011/12/07/increased-reliability-through-more-crashes/http://randomascii.wordpress.com/2012/07/22/more-adventures-in-failing-to-crash-properly/


10-11 10:31