本文介绍了Windows 10 Mobile Creators 更新中的故障转储在哪里?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 Win 10 Mobile 中为开发人员设置,我可以设置故障转储的计数必须保存在设备上.安装 Creators Update 后,该设置消失,故障转储不再保存.是否可以使用 Creators Update 在设备上保存故障转储?对我来说是必要的.我了解应用洞察,但它不是变体 - 我需要一个包含本机符号的完整转储.


自 Windows 10 Mobile Creators 更新 v1703 以来,Microsoft 更改了这一点.

现在大约需要 30 秒,手机会枚举所有旁加载的应用程序,列出它们并为您提供一个复选框来为每个旁加载的应用程序创建转储


In Win 10 Mobile was setting for developers where I could set the count of crash dumps must be saved on a device. After installing Creators Update that setting disappeared and crash dumps are not saving anymore. Is it possibble to save crash dumps on a device with Creators Update ? It's necessary for me.I know about app insights, but it's not variant - I need a full dump with native symbols.


Microsoft changed this since Windows 10 Mobile Creators update v1703. After activating Device Portal use your development PC and open the Device portal Url that is shown on the phone.

Now the updated device portal has an entry Crash data which you have to click

Now it takes around 30 seconds where the phone enumerates all sideloaded apps, lists them and offers you a checkbox to create dumps for each sideloaded app

So with the updated device portal you can now control the dump creation per sideloaded app instead of a global dump count. But I have no idea how many dumps are created, because I haven't got a crash.

这篇关于Windows 10 Mobile Creators 更新中的故障转储在哪里?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-21 07:55