

我刚开始使用C#,并在名称空间下创建了一个动物类,并在它之后创建了Dog类(仍然在名称空间中),当我尝试覆盖名为toString的函数时,我无法,我在课堂上这样声明了toString 动物:

I have just started with C# and have created an animal Class underneath the namespace, and have created a Dog class after it(Still in the namespace), when I try to override a function called toString, I am unable, I have declared toString like this in class animal:

public virtual string toString()
            return string.Format("{0} lives in {1} and has a weight of {2} kgs and is {3} meters tall", name, habitat, weight, height);


public override string toString()
            return string.Format("{0} is a {1} and is owned by {2}, weighs {3} kgs and is {4} meters tall, and loves to eat {5}, and naturally lives in ", name, breed, owner, weight, height, favFood, habitat);

但是,当我这样做时,Visual Studio会抛出错误,声明我无法从方法组转换为布尔值:

But visual studio throws errors declaring that I cannot convert from method group to bool, when I do this:

static void Main(string[] args)
            animal giraffe = new animal(7, 200, "Giraffe", "Africa");

            Dog arik = new Dog("Cocker spaniel", "Tom", "Stew", 0.50, 10, "arik", "The americas");




Thanks for any of the help you may provide!


控制台 . WriteLine ( ark . toString () );


10-27 23:54