

我正在使用Debian/MIPS + QEMU构建 PortFusion的MIPS端口 (TCP隧道解决方案).生成的二进制文件与GNU libc链接.因此,它们不能被复制并用于随同 uclibc 而不是 eglibc (似乎与GNU libc二进制兼容)的香草OpenWrt.

  • 是否可以将Debian/MIPS上的Haskell/GHC二进制文件与 uclibc 而不是 eglibc 链接?

  • 使用 uclibc 的OpenWrt是否真的是 原因,为什么从Debian复制过来的PortFusion二进制文件无法在-ash: binary not found下运行,或者此消息可能是由于某种原因完全其他吗?

请参阅 https://github.com/corsis/PortFusion/wiki/MIPS-Builds 有关使用haskell-platform,Linux内核和CPU仿真的详细信息.

当我尝试构建使用 eglibc 的自定义OpenWrt映像时,OpenWrt的GIT存储库的当前头在make处失败.



是的.另外,您可以尝试在MIPS pplatform上使用ldd来检查缺少哪些库.我敢肯定它将是一些与libc相关的库.

I am using Debian/MIPS+QEMU to build MIPS ports of PortFusion (a TCP tunneling solution). The resulting binaries are linked against GNU libc. Thus, they cannot be just copied over and used on vanilla OpenWrt which ships with uclibc instead of eglibc (which seems binary-compatible with GNU libc).

  • Is there a way to link Haskell/GHC binaries on Debian/MIPS against uclibc instead of eglibc?

  • Can OpenWrt's using uclibc be really the reason why PortFusion binaries copied over from Debian fail to run with -ash: binary not found or can this message be due to something entirely else?

See https://github.com/corsis/PortFusion/wiki/MIPS-Builds for details on which haskell-platform, Linux kernel and CPU emulation are used.

The current head of OpenWrt's GIT repository is failing at make when I attempt building custom OpenWrt images that use eglibc instead.


No. You need to to rebuild Haskell/GHC from sources using uclibc-based GCC cross-compiler.

Yes. Also, you can try to use ldd on your MIPS pplatform to check what library is missing. I'm sure it will be some of libc-related libraries.


06-07 16:18