有人可以帮我处理下面的 Mock 对象吗?我想为 ServiceImpl 类编写一个模拟测试用例.我想模拟 OrderIF 接口:
Can someone please help me with the below Mock object.I want to write a mock test case for ServiceImpl class.I want to mock OrderIF interface:
public interface OrderIF{
List<Order> ordersFor(String type);
public class ServiceImpl implements Service {
private List <Order> orders ;
private OrderIF orderif ; // this is 3rd party interface
public int getval(String type) {
//some code
// this returns a list of objects (orders)
orders = orderif.ordersFor(type);
// some code
return orders.get(0)
我的代码给出 NullPoinerException:
My code give NullPoinerException:
public class ServiceImplTest {
private List <Order> ll ;
private service reqService ;
private orderIF order;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
ll = new ArrayList<Order> ();
ll.add(new Order("Buy" , 11 , "USD" ));
ll.add(new Order("Sell" , 22 , "USD" ));
reqService = spy(new ServiceImpl());
public void test() {
String type= "USD" ;
q = reqService.getval(type);
assertTrue(q.get().ask == 232.75);
will not instantiate or mock your class. This annotation is used for injecting mocks into this field.
如果你想测试 serviceImpl
If you want to test serviceImpl
you will need to mock in this way:
private OrderIF order;
private Service reqService = new ServiceImpl();
要使其工作,您需要在 @Before
方法中使用 runner 或 MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
To make it work you either need to use runner or MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
in @Before
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