长整型decimal_answer = getDEC(0005607947);长整型getDEC(字符串str110){
长整型ID = 0;
INT LEN = str110.length();
字符的buff [LEN]
INT功率= 0; 对(INT I = 0; I&下; len个;我++){抛光轮[I] = str110.charAt(ⅰ); } 对(INT I =(LEN-1); I> = 0;我 - ){
INT NUM = BUFF [I] - '0';
ID = ID + NUM *战俘(16,功率);
功率=功率+ 1;
}//感谢,我也用这个,但得到错误:从'无效*'无效转换的char **'[-fpermissive]
unsigned int类型SIZE = sizeof的(F_value);
焦炭charBuf [SIZE]
F_value.toCharArray(charBuf,SIZE);长decimal_answer =与strtol(charBuf,NULL,16);
您正试图将价值90208583存储在一个int。 Arduino的有2个字节INT大小的含义,你可以存储最多为2 ^ 16-1(65535)。你有两个选择:
- 使用一个unsigned int
- 分钟数:0
- 最大数量:4,294,967,295
- 缺点:只能用于正数
- 使用一个长整型
- 分钟数:2,147,483,648
- 最大数量:2,147,483,647
i have an Hex String like this : "0005607947" and want to convert it to Decimal number , i test it on this site and it correctly convert to decimal number and answer is : "90208583" but when i use this code i get wrong value !where of my code is wrong or did have any one , some new code for this problem ?
long int decimal_answer = getDEC("0005607947") ;
long int getDEC(String str110) {
long int ID = 0 ;
int len = str110.length() ;
char buff[len] ;
int power = 0 ;
for(int i = 0 ; i <len ; i++) { buff[i] = str110.charAt(i); }
for(int i = (len-1) ; i >=0 ; i--) {
int num = buff[i] - '0' ;
ID = ID + num * pow(16 , power) ;
power = power + 1 ;
Serial.println(String(ID , DEC));
return ID ;
// thanks , i also use this but , get error : invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'char**' [-fpermissive]
unsigned int SiZe = sizeof(F_value) ;
char charBuf[SiZe];
F_value.toCharArray(charBuf , SiZe);
long decimal_answer = strtol(charBuf , NULL , 16);
Serial.println(decimal_answer , DEC);
You are trying to store the value 90208583 in an int. Arduino has a 2 byte int size meaning that the largest number you can store is 2^16-1 (65535). You have a couple of options:
- Use an unsigned int
- min number: 0
- max number: 4,294,967,295
- cons: can only be used for positive numbers
- Use a long int
- min number: -2,147,483,648
- max number: 2,147,483,647