本文介绍了[警告] 当前工作目录(C:xampphtdocssencha 文件夹)不是可识别的 Sencha SDK 或应用程序文件夹.的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm new in Sencha . but after installation.. it's really becoming a headache..

我不知道如何解决这个问题..我下载了 -

I dont' know how to resolve this issue..I downloaded -

  • sencha-touch-2.1.0-commercial -(我认为是它的 SDK)
  • SenchaSDKTools-2.0.0-beta3-windows(这些是 SDK 工具)
  • Xampp(用于 Web 服务)

  • sencha-touch-2.1.0-commercial - (its SDK i think)
  • SenchaSDKTools-2.0.0-beta3-windows (These are Tools for SDK)
  • Xampp (for Web services)

我安装了 xampp.

I installed xampp.

已安装 senchSDKTools

installed senchSDKTools

并开始从 CMD 应用命令

And started applying commands from CMD


[WARN] The current working directory (C:xampphtdocssencha-touch-2.1.0-commercia
l) is not a recognized Sencha SDK or application folder. Running in backwards comp
atible mode.

    Sencha Command v2.0.0 Beta 3
Copyright (c) 2012 Sencha Inc.
usage: sencha COMMAND [ARGS]

The available commands are:
   build                        build a JSB project
   create bootstrapdata         generate boostrap data
   create jsb                   generate a minimal JSB project for an app
   create locale                        generate a template locale file from sourc
   create manifest              generate classes manifest
   package                      package your Touch web app into a native bundle
   slice theme                  slice a custom theme's images for IE

See 'sencha help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command.



-I've searched several website.. but couldn't get the solution..Please help me.. thank you




[警告] 当前工作目录 (c:xampphtdocssencha-touch-2.1.0-commercial) 不是可识别的 sencha sdk 或应用程序文件夹.以向后兼容模式运行.

问题:问题是由于 Sencha 用于创建、更新和打包应用程序的 cmd 过时而产生的.输入sencha时检查上面的命令,显示当前安装的cmd版本是:

Issue: The problem arises because of outdated cmd that Sencha use for creating, updating, packaging apps. Check the above command when entering sencha and it showing currently installed cmd version is:

sencha command v2.0.0 beta 3

解决方案: Sencha 命令已更新到 v3.0.0,具有更多功能,例如 v2.0.0 中不支持的生成"命令.只需从下面的链接下载并安装它(在SDK工具的bin文件夹中,而不是触摸SDK).而已.现在转到 Sencha touch 文件夹并再次通过它运行 sencha.你现在会得到的是:

Solution : Sencha command has been updated to v3.0.0 with more features like "generating" commands which was not supported in v2.0.0. Just download it from below link and install it (in the bin folder of SDK tools, not touch SDK). That's it. Now go to the Sencha touch folder and again through it run sencha. What will you get now is:

sencha cmd v3.0.0.250


$ sencha generate app gs ../gs


注意: Sencha 没有说你需要更新 Sencha cmd,而是更新了他们的文档.许多人都面临着这个煎茶问题,但没有运气.希望人们摆脱它,这花了我一整晚的时间:)

Note: Sencha didn't say that you needed to update Sencha cmd, but updated their documentation. Numerous people are facing this Sencha problem with no luck. Hope people get rid of it which took a complete night from me :)

这篇关于[警告] 当前工作目录(C:xampphtdocssencha 文件夹)不是可识别的 Sencha SDK 或应用程序文件夹.的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-28 23:49