本文介绍了Sencha Mysql查询的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我即将使用Sencha Touch将Android-Travellog应用程序移植到其他Plattform。
由于我以前的应用程序中的大多数Mysql代码都已经存在,所以使用Senchas new System重新编写所有内容时,id将会相当痛苦。

I'm about to port an Android-Travellog App to other Plattforms using Sencha Touch.The Problem is, that Sencha only has a Store System to store Data, but doesnt appear to have a possibilty to acctually make MySql queries.And since most of the Mysql code in my previous app is already there, id would be quite a pain to redo everything with Senchas new System.Is there a possibilty to use mysql (or any other sql) queries with Sencha to Store Data on the Phone?


p> Sencha存储和代理抽象出需要编写原始查询代码。商店可以使用许多中的一种与不同的后端数据存储接口,其中之一是,您可以在提供了基本数据查询的API 数据库。

Sencha stores and proxies abstract away the need to write raw query code. A store can use one of a number of different proxies for interfacing with different back-end data stores, one of which is the SQL proxy, which as you can see in the source code provides an API for basic data querying WebSQL databases.


If you want to gain the full benefit of the framework and do things the "Sencha way" you'll probably want to start from scratch and architect your app to use the stores API.

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10-24 17:53