本文介绍了Sencha Touch是一个可以(或应该)与PhoneGap一起使用的UI框架?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我打算开发我的第一个移动应用程序,并希望利用我的技能作为web开发人员。因此,我开始看看PhoneGap。在这个过程中,我意识到我可能应该使用某种UI框架。看来jQuery Mobile有速度问题。 Sencha Touch 2据说是更快。所以,我想我应该使用PhoneGap + Sencha Touch 2。

但是,似乎Sencha Touch 2不是一个UI框架。它似乎是类似于PhoneGap的东西。我可能在这里错误的方向。


  1. 它是一个好主意,结合PhoneGap和Sencha Touch 2?

  2. 是否还有其他UI框架值得关注?

PhoneGap简单来说,你可以使用javascript API来访问

Sencha Touch 2本质上是一个跨平台的移动网络框架。虽然在Sencha中引入了几个原生apis触摸2,请注意,这不是使ST2突出的最重要的事情。 ST2最出名的是它的坚固和灵活的类系统,快速的移动Web应用程序开发(然后可能打包为本机应用程序)和强大的UI自定义,因为它利用SASS很好。




I'm planning to develop my first mobile app and wanted to leverage my skills as a web developer. Thus, I started to look at PhoneGap. In the process, I realized that I probably should use some sort of UI framework. It seems that jQuery Mobile has speed issues. Sencha Touch 2 supposedly is faster. So, I figured I should use PhoneGap + Sencha Touch 2.

However, it's seems to be that Sencha Touch 2 is not a UI framework. It seems to be something similar to PhoneGap. I might be heading in the wrong direction here.


  1. Is it a good idea to combine PhoneGap and Sencha Touch 2?
  2. Are there other UI frameworks worth looking at?

Well, Sencha Touch is totally different from PhoneGap.

PhoneGap in a nutshell gives you javascript APIs which access native apis on many mobile platform.

Sencha Touch 2 is essentially a cross-platform mobile web framework. Although several native apis are introduced in Sencha Touch 2, please note that it's not the most important thing which makes ST2 outstanding. ST2 is best known for its solid and flexible class system, rapid mobile-web application development (then probably packaged as a native app), and robust UI customization as it utilizes SASS well.

It seems you are new to ST2, so please read the following articles carefully:



And especially you have to understand this article thoroughly if you want to get the most important concepts of the class system.


这篇关于Sencha Touch是一个可以(或应该)与PhoneGap一起使用的UI框架?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-24 17:53