我正在创建一个Windows Store应用程序,该应用程序具有用于后台任务的Windows运行时组件.
I have a Windows Store application that I am creating that has a Windows Runtime Component for a background task.
该解决方案在Visual Studio中构建时没有问题,但是在触发后台任务时,该解决方案始终会失败,并显示消息程序'[4204] backgroundTaskHost.exe'已退出,代码为1(0x1)".
The solution builds with no problems in Visual Studio but when the background task is triggered, it always fails with the message "The program '[4204] backgroundTaskHost.exe' has exited with code 1 (0x1)."
The reference to the project containing the background task is in the main project and I am setting the entry point, so I don't know what the problem is. How do I get more information as to why the program is exiting?
My namespace was wrong on my entrypoint. Namespace was "App.BackgroundServices", task was "ToastBackgroundTask". I just had BackgroundServices.ToastBackgroundTask
when I should have had App.BackgroundServices.ToastBackgroundTask