


I am getting an error message that says:

Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: The view 'Index' or its
master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations. The
following locations were searched:

我看过几篇关于此的文章,但是这些答案都没有解决我的问题.我尝试在Visual Studio中单击视图,然后将其转到适当的方法.我尝试添加具有主视图和索引的主控制器,但这也无济于事.我尝试修改我的路由配置,但也没有用.

I've seen several different post about this but none of those answers have solved my problem. I tried clicking through the views in visual studio and it sends me to the appropriate methods. I tried adding a home controller with a home view and an Index but that does not help as well. I tried modifying my route config and that didn't work either.


Here is my return statement that is giving me issues:

return View("Index", requestVM.AidYear);


public ActionResult Index(string aidYear)


return View("Index", (object)requestVM.AidYear);


return View("Index", model:requestVM.AidYear);


System.InvalidOperationException: The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.String', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'ScholarshipDisbursement.ViewModels.Request.RequestViewModel'.


This occurs on my local machine and on our production server. The team I'm on are sure that this was working when we published it because this is a pretty big issue to not have noticed so we aren't sure why it is no longer working. No changes have been made to production since we published this application so we know no one has done something to screw it up.


Just in case this helps here is my route config:

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

            name: "Default",
            url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { controller = "Request", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }


In my view I have a folder Request and inside that folder is an Index.cshtml. On that view I have a form that submits to the method SubmitScholarshipRequest. That method is on the Request Controller.


In that method I run various checks and if there is an error I add it to the ModelState. If the ModelState is invalid I then:

return View("Index", requestVM.AidYear);


return RedirectToAction("Index", "Request", new { @aidYear = requestVM.AidYear });


@using ScholarshipDisbursement.Helpers
@using ScholarshipDisbursement.ViewModels.Request
@model RequestViewModel

ViewBag.Title = "Scholarship Request";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

<div class="requestIndexRoundedShadow">

<div class="pageTitleHeader">
    <span><img src="~/Content/img/gradCap.ico" class="headerImg" /></span>
    <span class="headerTitle"><b>Scholarship Disbursement Request</b></span>
        <hr style="border-top: 1px solid black">

@using (Html.BeginForm("SubmitScholarshipRequest", "Request",
FormMethod.Post, new { id = "SubmitTutorRequestFrm" }))

    <span id="aidYearLbl" Style="font-size: 14px;font-weight: bold">Academic
Year: </span>
    @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.AidYear, new SelectList(Model.AidYears,
"Code", "Name"), new { id = "aidYear", onchange = "onChangeYear()", Style =
"font-size: 14px" })

    if (Model.Scholarships.Any())
        <br />
        <br />

        <table style="width: 100%;">
                <th class="headerBox tableHeader" colspan="3">Scholarships
for @Model.User.DeptName</th>
                <th class="headerBox columnHeader" style="width:
500px;">Scholarship Name</th>
                <th class="headerBox columnHeader" style="width:
                <th class="headerBox columnHeader" style="width:
            @{ int i = 1; }
            @foreach (var s in Model.Scholarships)
                var rowColor = i % 2 == 0 ? "E8E8E8" : "ffffff";
                <tr style="background-color: #@rowColor;">
                    <td class="rowValue">@Html.ActionLink(s.Name,
"ScholarshipRequest", "Request", new { aidYear = s.AidYear, fundCode = s.Id,
}, new { target = "_blank" })</td>
                    <td class="rowValue">@s.AmountTotal</td>
                    <td class="rowValue">@s.AmountRequested</td>

        <br />
        <br />

        if (Model.AvailScholarships.Any())
            <table style="width: 100%">
                    <th class="headerBox tableHeader" colspan="6">Request
                    <th class="headerBox columnHeader">Scholarship</th>
                    <th class="headerBox columnHeader">Banner Id</th>
                    <th class="headerBox columnHeader">Student Name</th>
                    <th class="headerBox columnHeader">Amount</th>
                    <th class="headerBox columnHeader">Term</th>
                    <th class="headerBox columnHeader">Comments</th>
                    <td class="rowValue" style="width: 200px">@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.ScholarshipId, new SelectList(Model.AvailScholarships, "Id", "Name"), "", new { id = "scholars" })</td>
                    <td class="rowValue" style="width: 125px">@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.StudentId, new { autocomplete = "off", Style = "width:100%", id = "bannerId", maxlength = "9" })</td>
                    <td class="rowValue" style="width: 225px"><span id="studentName"></span></td>
                    <td class="rowValue" style="width: 50px">@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Amount, new { autocomplete = "off", Style = "width:100%", id = "amount", Value = "", data_val_number = " " })</td>
                    <td class="rowValue" style="width: 70px">@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Term, new SelectList(Model.Terms, "Code", "Name"), "", new { Style = "width:70px", id = "term" })</td>
                    <td class="rowValue" style="width: auto">@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Comments, new { autocomplete = "off", Style = "width:100%", id = "comments" })</td>
                    <td>@Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.ScholarshipId)</td>
                    <td>@Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.StudentId)</td>
                    <td>@Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.Amount)</td>
                    <td>@Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.Term)</td>
                    <td>@Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.Comments)</td>

            <br />
            <input type="submit" id="SubmitNomineeBtn" name="SubmitNomineeBtn" class="submitButton" value="Submit" />
            <span id="warning"></span>
            <br />
            <br />
            <div class="field-validation-error">
                @Html.ErrorFor(ViewData, "ExceedsAmountError")
            <div class="field-validation-error">
                @Html.ErrorFor(ViewData, "DuplicateEntryError")
            <div class="field-validation-error">
                @Html.ErrorFor(ViewData, "NullStudent")
            <div class="field-validation-error">
                @Html.ErrorFor(ViewData, "NegativeAmount")
            <div style="padding-right: 100px">
                <img src="~/Content/img/alert.png" /> There are currently no funds available for the @Model.User.DeptName department.

        <br />
        <br />
        <div style="padding-right: 100px">
            <img src="~/Content/img/alert.png" /> There are currently no scholarships available for the @Model.User.DeptName department.



$('#help').click(function() {
    var win = $('#window').data("kendoWindow");

$(document).ready(function () {
    if ($('#bannerId').val()) {

function checkBannerId() {
    var student = $('#bannerId').val();
        type: "POST",
        url: '@Url.Action("GetStudentName","Request")',
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        data: JSON.stringify({ bannerId: student }),  // parameter aNumber
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (msg) {
            if (msg.Result === "Null Student") {
                $('#studentName').html("Error finding student name");
                $('#studentName').css("color", "red");
                $('#bannerId').css("border-color", "red");
                $('#bannerId').css("color", "red");
                $('#warning').html("Invalid Banner Id.");
                $('#warning').css('color', 'red');

            } else {
                $('#bannerId').css("border-color", "unset");
                $('#bannerId').css("color", "black");
                $('#studentName').css('color', 'black');
                $('#warning').css('color', 'unset');
        error: function () {

function onChangeYear() {
    window.location = '@Url.Action("Index", "Request")?aidYear=' + $("#aidYear").val();

$('#amount').blur(function () {
    if (isNaN($('#amount').val()) || $('#amount').val() < 0) {
        $('#warning').html("Invalid amount ($, commas, and negative numbers not allowed).");
        $('#warning').css('color', 'red');
        $('#amount').css("border-color", "red");
        $('#amount').css('color', "red");
    } else {
        $('#amount').css("border-color", "unset");
        $('#amount').css("color", "unset");
        $('#warning').css('color', 'unset');

$('#bannerId').blur(function () {



    public ActionResult SubmitScholarshipRequest(RequestViewModel requestVM)
        var scholarshipMgr = new ScholarshipStore();
        var scholarship = scholarshipMgr.GetScholarship(requestVM.ScholarshipId, requestVM.AidYear);
        double amountTotal = scholarship.AmountTotal;
        double amountRequested = scholarship.AmountRequested;
        double addTotal = amountRequested + requestVM.Amount;

        string username = User.Identity.Name;
        var user = new UserStore().GetUser(username);

        var student = new StudentStore().GetStudent(requestVM.StudentId);

        if (student == null)
            ModelState.AddModelError("NullStudent","Unable to find Student");

        var scholarshipRequestMgr = new ScholarshipRequestStore();

        var scholarshipRequest = scholarshipRequestMgr.GetScholarshipRequest(requestVM.StudentId, requestVM.ScholarshipId, requestVM.AidYear);

        if (scholarshipRequest != null)
            ModelState.AddModelError("DuplicateEntryError", "Scholarship already requested for this student!");

        if (addTotal > amountTotal)
            ModelState.AddModelError("ExceedsAmountError", "Amount entered exceeds the total available!");

        if (addTotal < 0)
            ModelState.AddModelError("NegativeAmount", "Must be a positive number");

        if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            var aidYears = new AidYearStore().GetAidYears();
            var scholarships = new ScholarshipStore().GetScholarships(user.DeptCode, requestVM.AidYear);
            var availableScholarships = scholarships.Where(x => x.AmountTotal > x.AmountRequested);
            var terms = new TermStore().GetAllTerms();

            requestVM.AidYears = aidYears;
            requestVM.User = user;
            requestVM.Scholarships = scholarships;
            requestVM.AvailScholarships = availableScholarships;
            requestVM.Terms = terms;

            return View("Index", requestVM.AidYear);

        var scholarShipRequest = new ScholarshipRequest
            AidYear = requestVM.AidYear,
            ScholarshipId = requestVM.ScholarshipId,
            StudentId = requestVM.StudentId,
            Amount = requestVM.Amount,
            TermCode = requestVM.Term,
            Comments = requestVM.Comments,
            DeptId = user.DeptCode,
            DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
            CreatedBy = username,
            PIDM = new StudentStore().GetStudent(requestVM.StudentId).PIDM

        new ScholarshipRequestStore().CreateScholarshipRequest(scholarShipRequest);

        return RedirectToAction("Index", "Request", new { @aidYear = requestVM.AidYear });



Here is the Index View Method from the RequestController:

public ActionResult Index(string aidYear)
        aidYear = string.IsNullOrEmpty(aidYear) ? new FinAidYear().GetCurrentYear() : aidYear;

        string username = User.Identity.Name;
        if (!Authorization.CheckUsernameDept(username))
            return RedirectToAction("NotAuthorized", "Account");

        var user = new UserStore().GetUser(username);
        var aidYears = new AidYearStore().GetAidYears();
        var scholarships = new ScholarshipStore().GetScholarships(user.DeptCode, aidYear);
        var availableScholarships = scholarships.Where(x => x.AmountTotal > x.AmountRequested);
        var terms = new TermStore().GetAllTerms();

        var requestVM = new RequestViewModel
            AidYear = aidYear,
            AidYears = aidYears,
            User = user,
            Scholarships = scholarships,
            AvailScholarships = availableScholarships,
            Terms = terms

        return View(requestVM);


您的视图需要一个 RequestViewModel ,而不是字符串.因此,仅提供援助年是行不通的.这就是索引"操作方法所期望的,但是这里我们只是直接加载视图,而不执行该操作方法(毕竟,我们已经在执行一个不同的操作方法).因此,您需要在 return 语句中传递整个viewmodel对象.

Your view expects a RequestViewModel, not a string. So giving it just the aid year will not work. That's what the "Index" action method expects, but here we're just loading the view directly, not executing the action method (after all, we're already executing a different action method). So you need to pass the whole viewmodel object in the return statement.


Additionally, because it's not an action method called "Index", you'll need to specify the name of the view you want to return.


return View("Index", requestVM);



08-04 17:22