本文介绍了CFPDFForm 填充错误 - java.lang.NullPointerException:平台、区域设置和平台名称不得为空的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I've been banging my head against the wall trying to figure out the cause of the error below.

我所做的只是运行这个非常简单的 CFPDFFORM 来填充 PDF 表单.

All I'm doing is running this very simple CFPDFFORM to populate a PDF form.

<cfset source = expandPath("Customer.pdf")>
<cfpdfform action="populate" source="#source#">
    <cfpdfformparam name="Name" value="John Doe">
    <cfpdfformparam name="Address" value="123 Test Cir">
    <cfpdfformparam name="City" value="Some City">
    <cfpdfformparam name="State" value="Some State">
    <cfpdfformparam name="Zip" value="11111">
    <cfpdfformparam name="Phone" value="123-456-7890">

我做了很多搜索,发现很少有人谈论这个错误.我发现的一页是 ColdFusion CFPDFFORM 不填充 PDF 表单字段.我尝试了浏览我的字体并寻找损坏的字体的想法.我什至使用了一个名为 Fix Fonts Folder (http://fix-fonts-folder.en.softonic.com/),它能够找到一些损坏的字体.但即便如此,我仍然得到错误.所以,我正在拼命寻找答案.

I've done a lot of searches and found very few people talking about this error. The one page that I found was ColdFusion CFPDFFORM does not populate PDF form fields. I tried the idea of going through my fonts and looking for corrupted ones. I even used a program called Fix Fonts Folder (http://fix-fonts-folder.en.softonic.com/) which was able to locate some corrupt fonts. But even then, I still get the error. So, I'm desperately looking for an answer.

以防万一,我在 Windows 7 上运行 ColdFusion 10 Update 9.

Just in case, I'm running ColdFusion 10 Update 9 on Windows 7.




The workaround on the reported bug solved the issue. Thanks Miguel-F

解决方法是:删除与您的 Creative Cloud 6 应用程序安装日期相同的所有字体或卸载 Creative Cloud 6 的所有字体"

The workaround is: "delete all fonts installed with the same date as your creative cloud 6 app installations or uninstall creative could 6"

这篇关于CFPDFForm 填充错误 - java.lang.NullPointerException:平台、区域设置和平台名称不得为空的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 21:31