


Note This is not a question about how to implement or emulate duck typing in C#...

几年来,我是IM pression某些C#语言的特点进行depdendent在语言本身定义的数据结构下(这似乎总是像一个奇怪的鸡肉和放大器;蛋的情况对我来说)。例如,我是IM pression的的foreach 循环是仅可用于实现类型下使用的IEnumerable

For several years I was under the impression that certain C# language features were depdendent on data structures defined in the language itself (which always seemed like an odd chicken & egg scenario to me). For example, I was under the impression that the foreach loop was only available to use with types that implemented IEnumerable.

从那时起,我认识到,C#编译器使用鸭子类型,以确定是否一个对象可以在foreach循环使用,寻找的GetEnumerator 方法,而比的IEnumerable 。这使得有很大的意义,因为它消除了鸡肉和放大器;鸡蛋难题。

Since then I've come to understand that the C# compiler uses duck typing to determine whether an object can be used in a foreach loop, looking for a GetEnumerator method rather than IEnumerable. This makes a lot of sense as it removes the chicken & egg conundrum.

我有点困惑,为什么这不能似乎没有要与使用块和 IDisposable的。有没有什么特别的原因,编译器不能使用鸭打字和放大器;寻找一个的Dispose 的方法?什么是这种不一致的原因是什么?

I'm a little confused as to why this isn't doesn't seem to be the case with the using block and IDisposable. Is there any particular reason the compiler can't use duck typing & look for a Dispose method? What's the reason for this inconsistency?


Perhaps there's something else gong on under the hood with IDisposable?


Discussing why you would ever have an object with a Dispose method that didn't implement IDisposable is outside the scope of this question :)


有什么特别的的IDisposable 在这里 - 但有的什么特别的迭代器。

There's nothing special about IDisposable here - but there is something special about iterators.

在C#2,使用上的foreach 这只鸭子类型是的只有的是你可以实现一个强类型的迭代器,也是唯一的迭代值类型,而拳方式。我的犯罪嫌疑人的,如果C#和.NET已经有仿制药,开始时,的foreach 会有的需要的IEnumerable< T> 来代替,并且没有鸭打字

Before C# 2, using this duck type on foreach was the only was you could implement a strongly-typed iterator, and also the only way of iterating over value types without boxing. I suspect that if C# and .NET had had generics to start with, foreach would have required IEnumerable<T> instead, and not had the duck typing.


Now the compiler uses this sort of duck typing in a couple of other places I can think of:

  • 集合初始化寻找一个合适的添加过载(以及具有实施的IEnumerable ,只是类型表明它确实是某种形式的集合);这允许灵活添加单个项目,键/值对等

  • LINQ(选择等等) - 这是LINQ如何实现它的灵活性,允许对多种类型相同的查询前pression格式,而不必更改的IEnumerable&LT; T&GT; 本身

  • 的C#5等候前pressions要求 GetAwaiter 返回它有一个awaiter键入 IsCompleted / OnCompleted / 调用getResult

  • Collection initializers look for a suitable Add overload (as well as the type having to implement IEnumerable, just to show that it really is a collection of some kind); this allows for flexible adding of single items, key/value pairs etc
  • LINQ (Select etc) - this is how LINQ achieves its flexibility, allowing the same query expression format against multiple types, without having to change IEnumerable<T> itself
  • The C# 5 await expressions require GetAwaiter to return an awaiter type which has IsCompleted / OnCompleted / GetResult


In both cases this makes it easier to add the feature to existing types and interfaces, where the concept didn't exist earlier on.

由于的IDisposable 自第一个版本已经在框架中,我不认为会有鸭键入任何利益使用语句。我知道你明确地试图打折的原因有的Dispose 没有实施的IDisposable 从讨论,但我认为这是一个要害。有必须实现的语言功能很好的理由,而我认为,鸭打字是一个功能之上和超越支持现有的接口。如果没有明显的好处在这样做时,它不会在语言中结束。

Given that IDisposable has been in the framework since the very first version, I don't think there would be any benefit in duck typing the using statement. I know you explicitly tried to discount the reasons for having Dispose without implementing IDisposable from the discussion, but I think it's a crucial point. There need to be good reasons to implement a feature in the language, and I would argue that duck typing is a feature above-and-beyond supporting a known interface. If there's no clear benefit in doing so, it won't end up in the language.


09-05 22:37