


How to determine the count of zeros between the 1st and 14th digit? By using grep.

 500000000000922801808800000000000000000000922891863600000GS5      00*HOME

 500000000000022811740000000000000000000000922811741600000GS5      00*HOME

我的条件是:如果zero_count = 12然后将记录dst_dir

My condition is: if zero_count=12 then move the record to dst_dir else move the record to drp_dir


假设 dst_dir drp_dir 两个要创建输出文件,以下 AWK 程序会为你做的。

Assuming that dst_dir and drp_dir are two output files you want to create, the following awk program will do that for you.

awk '
NF {
    data  = substr ($0, 1, 14)
    count = gsub (/0/, "", data)
    print > (count==12 ? "dst_dir" : "drp_dir")
}' file

使用 NF 我们跳过空白行。我们创建一个使用您的行 SUBSTR 功能的子集。 GSUB 返回做替代品的数量,所以我们捕捉返回值变量计数

Using NF we skip the blank lines. We create a subset of your line using substr function. gsub returns the number of substitution made, so we capture the return value to variable count.

最后,我们测试是否计数是12。如果是我们写的记录 dst_dir 否则我们写记录 drp_dir

Lastly, we test if the count is 12. If it is we write the record to dst_dir else we write the record to drp_dir.


09-05 18:37