overwrite all of the data in a row again using INSERT (all data is available), or
performing an Update only on the new data.
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Cassandra与您所描述的用例非常吻合。增量式添加数据将适用于INSERT和UPDATE语句。 Cassandra将在不同位置存储数据,以便在为同一分区键随时间添加数据的情况下。定期运行压缩将再次合并单个键的数据,以优化访问和可用磁盘空间。这将基于写入值的时间戳发生,但不创建任何新的墓碑。
您可以详细了解Cassandra如何存储数据。 。
Writing data to Cassandra without causing it to create tombstones are vital in our case, due to the amount of data and speed. Currently we have only written a row once, and then never had the need to update the row again, only fetch the data again.
Now there has been a case, where we actually need to write data, and then complete it with more data, that is finished after awhile.It can be made by either;
What is the best way to do it, bear in mind of the speed and not creating a tombstone is of importance ?
Tombstones will only created when deleting data or using TTL values.
Cassandra does align very well to your described use case. Incrementally adding data will work for both INSERT and UPDATE statements. Cassandra will store data in different locations in case of adding data over time for the same partition key. Periodically running compactions will merge data again for a single key to optimize access and free disk space. This will happend based on the timestamp of written values but does not create any new tombstones.You can learn more about how Cassandra stores data e.g. here.