i'm trying to parse the table seen there...
what i want is to put all the days (the first row) into a ListView.
When i tap the ListView item per day i want to show the data in the column below that day, including the time per classroom...
例如。在一排12:45 - 15时15 LBL130(ICT)
e.g. in one row: 12:45 - 15:15 LBL130 (ICT)
What is the best way to do this on android?
这是你正在试图解析HTML可怕。但是你可以用JSoup使用正确选择器中选择了天。完整的选择器是表TBODY TR TD表TBODY TR TD字体
,但它可以缩短到身体GT;中心>表> TBODY> TR:LT(1)字体
This is horrible HTML you are trying to parse. But you can select the days with JSoup using the correct selector. The complete selector is table tbody tr td table tbody tr td font
but it can be shortened to body > center > table > tbody > tr:lt(1) font
Document doc = Jsoup.connect("http://www.novaprojecten.nl/roosters/lbl/basis/38/c/c00086.htm").get();
List<String> days = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Element col: doc.select("body > center > table > tbody > tr:lt(1) font")) {
System.out.println(days); // Maandag 17-09, Dinsdag 18-09, Woensdag 19-09...
In order to select contents for each day you will have to parse each row and retrieve only the n-th column.
All this is possible using JSoup, to answer your question. You should take a look at their website and at the Selector documentation, in order to try further things yourself.