我正在使用Visual Studio 2010开发Winforms项目。目标点网平台是dotnet 3.5。它工作正常,但最近我添加了一些telerik引用到我的项目需要dotnet 4.0。
I am developing a Winforms project using Visual Studio 2010. The targeted dot net platform was dotnet 3.5. It was working fine but recently i added some telerik references to my project those require dotnet 4.0.
为此,我使用项目属性将目标dotnet框架从3.5更改为4.0但是之后这个改变,我的项目不起作用。当我尝试使用F5或Build> Build Project来运行项目时,它只是构建项目并且
For that purpose, i changed the target dotnet framework from 3.5 to 4.0 by using project properties but after this change, my project is not working. When i am trying to run the project by using F5 or Build>Build Project, its just build the project and stops.
I tried to reset targeted framework to 3.5 and its start working again.
所以,请指导我,我在哪里犯了错误,如何从dotnet 4.0设置我的项目?
So, please guide me, where i am making mistake and how can i set my project from dotnet 4.0?
Moovi Rastogi
Moovi Rastogi
Also, when you say it "stops", do you mean it has terminated altogether?
你有没有在调试下尝试 - >窗户 - >异常设置打破常见异常?
Have you tried under debug -> windows -> exceptions settings to break on common exceptions ?
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