


EF is so widely used staff but I don't realize how I should use it. I met a lot of issues with EF on different projects with different approaches. So some questions brought together in my head. And answers leads me to use pure ado.net with stored procedures.


  1. 如何在n层应用程序中处理EF?


  1. How to deal with EF in n-tier application?
    For example, we have some DAL with EF. I saw a lot of articles and projects that used repository, unit of work patterns as some kind of abstraction for EF. I think such approach kills most of benefits that increase development speed and leads to few things:

  • 重新映射EF负载会导致某些DTO破坏性能(请参见选择以获取表数据-第一个循环,第二个循环-将结果映射到ef生成的某种复合类型,其次-使用linq过滤映射的数据,最后将其映射到某个DTO。完全重新映射到DTO是最大的efs好处的杀手;

  • 导致EF之间的强大凝聚力(并且版本)和应用。它将类似于带有dal和bll演示文稿的2层应用程序或带有bll和演示文稿的dal演示程序。我认为这不是最佳做法。除了映射外,加载过程与之前的加载过程相同,因此再次引起了性能问题。我们可以尝试使用EF作为DAL,而无需在其下进行任何抽象。但是我们会通过其他方式得到类似的问题。

  • remapping of EF load results in some DTO that kills performance(call some select to get table data - first loop, second loop - map results to some composite type generated by ef, next - filter mapped data using linq and, at last, map it to some DTO). Exactly remapping to DTO is killer of one of the biggest efs benefit;
  • leads to strong cohesion between EF (and it's version) and app. It will be something like 2-tier app with dal and presentation with bll or dal with bll and presentation. I guess it's not best practice. And the same loading process as we have for previous thing except mapping, so again performance issue raised up. We could try to use EF as DAL without any abstraction under them. But we will get similar issues in some other way.


Should I use one context per app\thread\atomic operation? Using approach - one context per app\thread may slightly increase performance and possibilities to call navigation properties, but we meet another problem - updating this context and growing loaded data in context, also I'm not sure about concurrency with one dbcontext per app\thread. Using context per operation will lead us to remapping EF results to our DTO's. So you see that we again pushed back to question no.1.

我们可以仅尝试使用EF +存储过程吗?同样,我们遇到了先前问题的问题。如果不使用大部分功能,使用EF的原因是什么?

Could we try to use EF + stored procedures only? Again we have issues from previous questions. What is the reason to use EF if the biggest part of functionality will not be used?


So, yes EF is great to start project. It so convenient when we have few screens and crud operations.



All this text is just unsorted thoughts. I know that pure ado.net will lead to another kind of challenges.


So, what is your opinion about this topic?


按照命名约定,您会发现它的名称为:ADO.NET Entity Framework,这意味着Entity Framework位于ADO.NET的顶部,因此它不能更快​​,它可能会在相同的时间执行这两个操作,但是让我们看一下EF提供的功能:

By following the naming conventions , you will find it's called : ADO.NET Entity Framework , which means that Entity Framework sits on top of ADO.NET so it can't be faster , It may perform both in equal time , but let's look at EF provides :

  • 您将不会再因编写查询而陷入困境,而不必担心

  • 它使您可以依靠C#或自己喜欢的.NET语言编写自己希望从目标用户接受的数据约束。直接在模型类中。


Finally : EF and LINQ give a lot of power in maintaining your applications later .

使用Entity Framework可以使用三种不同的模型:模型优先,数据库优先和代码优先了解em。

There are three different models with the Entity Framework : Model First , Database First and Code First get to know each of 'em .


-The Point about killing performance when remapping is on process , it's because that on the first run , EF loads metadata into memory and that takes time as it builds in-memory representation of model from edmx file.


08-29 00:29