我正在Unity中开发一款手机游戏,并将Firebase Realtime数据库用于在线排行榜.
I'm working on a mobile game in Unity and using a Firebase Realtime Database for online leaderboards.
玩我的游戏的先决条件是用户登录Google Play服务(已使用官方SDK集成到Unity),因此我希望我的代码使用用户的Google Play服务帐户向我的数据库进行身份验证.
A pre-requisite for playing my game is the user logging into Google Play Services (Integrated into Unity using the official SDK), so I want my code to use the user's Google Play Services account to authenticate with my DB.
我知道可以通过Google Play服务进行身份验证,但是我的问题是:
I know that authentication via Google Play Services is possible, but my questions are:
- 使用REST API时可以使用Google Play服务进行身份验证吗?如果是这样,这种查询的结构是什么?
- 我需要在Firebase实时数据库侧设置哪些规则/配置,以允许来自经过身份验证的用户的所有读/写操作,并拒绝所有匿名操作?
我终于找到了答案,部分要感谢 PatrickMatrin 的回应.
I finally found the answer, thanks in part to Patrick Matrin's response.
The answer is yes, it is possible, but it's not straightforward.
In order to add authentication to requests, an access token is required.The syntax change is quite simple, so let's say the URL you were originally posting to was:
https://< DATABASE_NAME> .firebaseio.com/< SUB_FOLDER>/< SUB_FOLDER2> .json
https://< DATABASE_NAME> .firebaseio.com/< SUB_FOLDER>/< SUB_FOLDER2> .json?access_token =< ACCESS_TOKEN>
You can read more about it here.
The main issue is getting that Access Token. To grossly over-simplify, what you want to do is the following:
- 在游戏中启动Google Play服务
- 使用Google Play服务对用户进行身份验证(让他们登录")
- 交换掉我们为访问令牌获得的身份验证代码
第1步和第2步应该非常简单,如果您使用的是Google Play服务,则可能已经完成了.无论如何,这就是该类在我的项目中的样子:
Steps 1 and 2 should be fairly straightforward, and you probably already did them if you're using Google Play Services. In any case, this is how the class looks in my project:
public class GPGSAuthentication : MonoBehaviour
public static PlayGamesPlatform platform;
void Start()
if (platform == null)
PlayGamesClientConfiguration config = new PlayGamesClientConfiguration.Builder().RequestServerAuthCode(false).Build();
PlayGamesPlatform.DebugLogEnabled = true;
platform = PlayGamesPlatform.Activate();
Social.Active.localUser.Authenticate(success =>
if (success)
Debug.Log("GSPS - Logged in successfully");
Debug.Log("GSPS - Falied to login");
Notice the use of RequestServerAuthCode(false) in the config build. You'll need this if you want to get the Authentication Code discussed earlier.
之后,您需要使用REST API才能将身份验证代码交换为访问令牌.您需要查询GoogleAPI URL并提供一些参数:
After that, you'll need to use REST API in order to exchange the auth code for an access token. You'll need to query a GoogleAPI URL and supply some parameters:
/// <summary>
/// Trades the auth code for a Google Access Token.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="clientID">The ID of the client we're trying to reach</param>
/// <param name="clientSecret">The secret of the client we're trying to reach</param>
/// <param name="grantType">The grant_type value</param>
/// <param name="authCode">The auth code we want to trade in for the Google Access Token</param>
/// <returns></returns>
IEnumerator GetAccessToken(string clientID, string clientSecret, string grantType, string authCode)
if (googleAccessToken != null && googleAccessToken != "")
Debug.Log("Not requesting googleAccessToken again since we already have it");
yield break;
//googleAccessToken = "";
WWWForm form = new WWWForm();
form.AddField("client_id", clientID);
form.AddField("client_secret", clientSecret);
form.AddField("grant_type", grantType);
form.AddField("code", authCode);
UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post("https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token", form);
yield return www.SendWebRequest();
if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError)
Debug.Log("Ran into error while trying to get access token\n Error: " + www.error + "\nURL: " + www.url.ToString() + "\nCode: " + authCode);
Debug.Log("Got Access Token in return, full string is: \n" + www.downloadHandler.text);
GoogleData googleData = JsonUtility.FromJson<GoogleData>(www.downloadHandler.text);
googleAccessToken = googleData.access_token;
/// <summary>
/// Class for handling data received from Google after giving Auth Code
/// </summary>
public class GoogleData
public string access_token;
public string token_type;
public int expires_in;
public string refresh_token;
您需要从创建的OAuth2网络客户端获取 client_id
和 client_secret
的值.您应该能够在Google API凭据页面中阅读它们.
You'll need to get the values for client_id
and client_secret
from your OAuth2 web client that you created. You should be able to read them in the Google API credentials page.
对于 grant_type
,并且为了获取身份验证码的值,请使用 PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.GetServerAuthCode()
,尽管显然只有在成功地在Google Play服务中登录用户之后.
As for grant_type
, always supply the value "authorization_code"
, and in order to get the value of your Authentication Code, use PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.GetServerAuthCode()
, though obviously only after successfully logging in the user in Google Play Services.
现在,您应该拥有使用Google Play服务通过Firebase对用户进行身份验证所需的一切.无需其他SDK或软件包/插件.
Now you should have everything needed to authenticate your user with Firebase using Google Play Services. No further SDK or package/plugin needed.
Patrick's answer here was correct. This is a simple rule with the following syntax:
"rules": {
"node_to_protect": {
".read": "auth != null",
".write": "auth != null",
这篇关于使用Realtime Database的API时如何向Google Play服务进行身份验证?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!