I am working on a node application that uses Express and Passport for authentication and authorization, and all of that is working properly. I am stumped, however, on how I would get the current user (set as req.user by Passport) in my Angular controllers.
I want to be able to do normal things like displaying the username in a header/navigation bar (among other things), and I am currently doing this using the Jade view engine, but I don't like mixing using the Jade view engine for some "data-binding" and Angular for others.
Now, I do know that I could easily make a call to an api endpoint in node that returns req.user as JSON, but that seems like an ugly solution, as I would be hitting that endpoint everytime there is a page load (this is not an SPA).
So my question basically is this: Can I get the currently logged in user in my Angular views so I can do all my data-binding client side instead of some server side (with the Jade view engine) and some client side with Angular?
Note: No code snippets because everything actually is working as intended, I'm just hoping for a better alternative than what I currently have.
考虑使用NG-INIT上定义了NG-应用程序的DOM,即在Ex preSS打印服务器端数据(假设尘模板)。下面是一个简单的例子:
Consider using "ng-init" on the DOM that defines the ng-app, that is a server side data printed in Express (assume Dust template). Below is a simple example of this:
<body ng-app="testApp" ng-controller="homeCtrl" ng-init="logged_in_user = {req.user}">
then you can access the logged_in_user in your homeCtrl, as "scope.logged_in_user"Hope this helps..
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