I have written a selenium application using webdriver. I wish to run it on a remote server. When I do that by logging into the server via putty (along with Xming), the selenium tries opening the browser on the server only and load the pages through the external display. However in doing that, it takes a lot of time than if I would have been able to get the browser open on my localhost only (and not the server). Is it possible for such thing to happen or opening on the server only is the only option (which is painfully slow). Kindly tell me if I am missing something as well.
尝试使用Selenium Grid(而不是Putty)在远程服务器上运行Selenium应用程序. Selenium网站上有使用Selenium Grid的出色的快速入门指南: http://code. google.com/p/selenium/wiki/Grid2 .
Try using Selenium Grid, instead of Putty, to run your Selenium application on a remote server. The Selenium website has an excellent Quick Start guide for using the Selenium Grid: http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/Grid2.