

似乎是一个相对较新的类:SvgImageSource 只能在 UWP 中使用.有什么方法可以在 WPF 项目中使用它吗?

It seems that a relatively new class: SvgImageSource can only be used in UWP. Is there any way to use it in a WPF project and how?


可以在 WPF 中使用任何 UWP XAML UI 使用 XAML 岛.目前可以使用 预览WindowsXamlHost 控件,它是 Windows 社区工具包 的一部分.另请注意,在 WPF 应用中使用 UWP 控件时,该应用将只能在 Windows 10 客户端 PC 上运行.

It will be possible to use any UWP XAML UI in WPF using XAML Islands. This is currently available as a preview using the WindowsXamlHost control which is part of the Windows Community Toolkit. Also note, that when using UWP controls in WPF apps, the app will then work only on Windows 10 client PCs.


08-04 01:17