本文介绍了如何修改 ttk Combobox 字体?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用传统方式修改 ttk.Combobox 小部件字体

I've trying modifing the ttk.Combobox widget fonts using the traditional way

text_font = ('Courier New', '10')
mycombobox = Combobox(font = text_font)


but the font doesn't really change...

我也尝试使用 ttk.Style 但同样没有任何反应......

I also tring using ttk.Style but again nothing happens...

text_font = ('Courier New', '10')
ttk_style = ttk.Style()
ttk_style.configure('App.TCombobox', font=text_font)

mycombobox = Combobox(style = "App.TCombobox")

有没有办法控制字体?我想同时更改 EntryListBox 字体

Is there a way to control the fonts? I want to change both the Entry and the ListBox fonts



It's really strange behavior, because it's works well on my side:

    import tkinter as tk
    import tkinter.ttk as ttk
except ImportError:
    import Tkinter as tk
    import ttk

import random
import string

def insert_something_to_combobox(box):
    box['values'] = [gen_key() for _ in range(10)]

def gen_key(size=6, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits):
    # just to generate some random stuff
    return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))

root = tk.Tk()
text_font = ('Courier New', '10')
main_frame = tk.Frame(root, bg='gray')                  # main frame
combo_box = ttk.Combobox(main_frame, font=text_font)    # apply font to combobox
entry_box = ttk.Entry(main_frame, font=text_font)       # apply font to entry
root.option_add('*TCombobox*Listbox.font', text_font)   # apply font to combobox list



也可以为特定的组合框指定字体,因为我们可以依赖 ttk::combobox::PopdownWindow 函数:

It's also possible to specify a font for a particular combobox, since we can rely on ttk::combobox::PopdownWindow function:

class CustomBox(ttk.Combobox):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.bind('<Map>', self._handle_popdown_font)

    def _handle_popdown_font(self, *args):
        popdown = self.tk.eval('ttk::combobox::PopdownWindow %s' % self)
        self.tk.call('%s.f.l' % popdown, 'configure', '-font', self['font'])
root = tk.Tk()
text_font = ('Courier New', '10')
main_frame = tk.Frame(root, bg='gray')                  # main frame
combo_box = CustomBox(main_frame, font=text_font)       # apply font to combobox
entry_box = ttk.Entry(main_frame, font=text_font)       # apply font to entry

然而,这个 CustomBox 缺乏功能,因为一旦组合框小部件被映射,popdown 的字体就被配置了,因此任何以后的字体配置都不会为 popdown 配置这个选项.

However, this CustomBox lacks functionality, because popdown's font is configured once combobox widget is mapped, hence any later configuration of the font won't configure this option for the popdown.


Let's try to override default configuration method:

class CustomBox(ttk.Combobox):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        #   initialisation of the combobox entry
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        #   "initialisation" of the combobox popdown

    def _handle_popdown_font(self):
        """ Handle popdown font
        Note: https://github.com/nomad-software/tcltk/blob/master/dist/library/ttk/combobox.tcl#L270
        #   grab (create a new one or get existing) popdown
        popdown = self.tk.eval('ttk::combobox::PopdownWindow %s' % self)
        #   configure popdown font
        self.tk.call('%s.f.l' % popdown, 'configure', '-font', self['font'])

    def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
        """Configure resources of a widget. Overridden!

        The values for resources are specified as keyword
        arguments. To get an overview about
        the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.

        #   default configure behavior
        self._configure('configure', cnf, kw)
        #   if font was configured - configure font for popdown as well
        if 'font' in kw or 'font' in cnf:

    #   keep overridden shortcut
    config = configure


This class will produce a more responsive instance of the combobox.

这篇关于如何修改 ttk Combobox 字体?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 16:21