

在游戏中我有一个GridPane在方形单元格中显示世界的Tiles。玩家可以使用键盘移动column \row显示的内容。我想到的方法是:

In a game I have a GridPane displaying the Tiles of the world in square cells. The player can, using the keyboard, move what is displayed by a column\row. The approaches I've thought of are:Having the GridPane change programmatically the displayed tiles by moving everything by x steps on player input.Wrapping the GridPane in a ScrollPane and tying the ScrollPane's scroll to Keyboard input.


My question is, assuming that things that are off-sight but on the same map are always loaded, what are the pros and cons of each approach efficiency-wise? Most specifically, I'm wondering if wrapping the GridPane in a ScrollPane would keep the Images loaded even if they are off-screen, thus impacting performance and if in that case it would be better to just reload them when needed. I'm also wondering if there's a third, more efficient way I haven't thought about.


I'm using JavaFX8




The most efficient approach for providing a limited viewport onto a very large world is to use a tile based model for the world and to only load the graphics resources and display the tiles that are required for the current viewport.


如何实现这一目标的一个很好的概述是eppleton JavaFX tile引擎,它在。该特定实现使用直接基于绘制的方法而不是场景图节点导向方法。

A nice overview of how to accomplish this is the eppleton JavaFX tile engine which is described in an eppleton blog post. That particular implementation uses a Canvas direct draw based approach rather than a scene graph node oriented approach.


基于场景图的方法依赖于什么叫做虚拟控制;其中控件提供作为基础数据模型的窗口的单元格。 JavaFX 和是虚拟化控件的示例。这些虚拟控件可以支持我的数据结构,其中包含数千个项目,但只有当前可见的数十个项目的可视项目实际显示在屏幕上。当滚动控件或修改其底层数据结构时,将调用回调以刷新每个显示单元格的图形节点。

A scene graph based approach relies on what is termed a virtual control; where the control provides cells which are windows on to the underlying data model. The JavaFX ListView and TableView are examples of virtualized controls. These virtual controls can be backed my data structures which contain thousands of items but only visual items for the currently visible tens of items are actually shown on the screen. As the control is scrolled or its underlying data structure is modified, callbacks are invoked to refresh the graphical nodes for each displayed cell.

基于场景图的网格虚拟控件示例是ControlsFX 。请注意,与基于画布的eppleton Tile Engine不同,ControlsFX GridView并非专门为游戏引擎构建并优化为基于核心区块的渲染器,因此如果您以这种方式使用GridView,则需要显着添加GridView的分支或扩展的更多功能,使其在功能上与完整的游戏性磁贴引擎相提并论。

An example of a scene graph based virtual control for a grid is the ControlsFX GridView. Note that, unlike the canvas based eppleton Tile Engine, the ControlsFX GridView is not specifically built for and optimized to be the core tile based renderer for a game engine, so if you would use GridView in such a way, you would need to add significantly more features to a fork or extension of the GridView to bring it functionally on par with a full gameplay tile engine.



Note that there are existing specifications for Tile map formats such as TMX and existing editors to create files which conform to such formats. Usage of a tilemap is appropriate for both realtime and turn based games and may even be useful outside the gaming genre, though it's traditional usage is in the creation of video games.


您的主要应用程序似乎是编写基于磁贴的游戏引擎。这样的引擎通常提供对读取图块地图数据,图块图像数据,将动画精灵叠加到图块等上的支持。这些特征不在ControlsFX GridView中,因为它具有不同的焦点(例如,显示缩略图的视口)文件目录的图像)。关键不在于GridView没有优化性能(因为它),重点是GridView不会为您提供特定应用程序可能需要的最佳开箱即用功能(基于磁贴的游戏) )。

Your primary application seems to be writing tile based game engine. Such an engine usually provides support for reading tile map data, tile image data, overlaying animated sprites on to the tiles, etc. Those kind of features aren't in a ControlsFX GridView because that has a different focus (e.g. displaying a viewport of thumbnail images for a file directory). The point is not that GridView is not optimized performance wise (because it is), the point is that GridView won't provide you with the optimal set of out of the box features which you might need for your particular application (a tile based game).


That makes implementation simpler as you only have to worry about tiles at discrete co-ordinates and the entity can be an exact tile co-ordinate without an offset for current location and rendering between tiles. However it doesn't really change the whole approach of using a virtualized viewport of only onto the world which only renders what you can currently see rather than rendering the entire world all the time.

有时做研究是值得的,有时候你会错误地学习:-)如果他知道他现在知道什么,我肯定John Carmack会以不同的方式写出原始的Doom。我不会让这些事情让你太担心。只需评估你现在的位置并从那里开始。

Sometimes it pays to do research and sometimes you learn by mistakes :-) I'm sure John Carmack would have written the original Doom differently if he knew then what he knows now. I wouldn't let such things worry you too much. Just assess where you are now and go from there.


07-29 12:23