这听起来像是一个愚蠢的问题,但是... WPF会在缺少具有DirectX / Direct3D功能的图形卡/驱动程序的情况下停止运行,还是运行得更慢?
我知道WPF是基于DirectX / Direct3D的(即使对于简单的控件也是如此),但是我找不到关于该主题的任何参考资料,该主题提供了边界情景的良好概述。 p>
This might sound like a stupid question but ... will WPF stop running in absence of a DirectX/Direct3D capable graphics card/drivers or will it just run slower?
I know WPF is based on DirectX/Direct3D (even for simple controls) but I cannot find any reference on the topic which provides a good overview of borderline scenarios.
Any help appreciated!
WPF has a dependency on the DirectX runtime. However, both DirectX and WPF have their own software fallback modes so that, in the absence of suitable graphics hardware and/or drivers, software rendering will be used instead. Some graphically intensive features will also be unavailable when software rendering. WPF allows you to check the rendering tier that it's running under and tailor the UI to suit the current environment.