

这是一个 wiki 问题,旨在为学习各种架构的汇编语言收集有用的参考资料.

This is a wiki question to gather useful references for learning assembly languages for various architectures.

我最近尝试阅读 1964 年以来 Basic Pdp-1 Lisp 的源代码,并且需要广泛搜索参考资料以从代码中获得哪怕是最细微的意义.我觉得我收集的链接可能对任何试图阅读类似年份的代码的人有用,例如 太空战争!

I recently attempted to read the source code for Basic Pdp-1 Lisp from 1964, and needed to search extensively for reference materials to make even the slightest bit of sense from the code. I feel the links I've collected may prove useful to anyone attempting to read code of similar vintage, like SpaceWar!


So a good answer should comprise:

  • 架构名称
  • 一个非平凡的汇编语言程序
  • 用于理解程序的手册和说明参考

我将从我收集的阅读 Pdp-1 LISP 的参考资料开始.

I'll start things off with my collected references for reading Pdp-1 LISP.


x86 程序集:

  • 这里的手册包含超过1400 页,包括一些练习,有些章节侧重于布尔代数和系统组织等内容
  • 英特尔的文档和手册此处,你应该在几年前不需要这个 ;)
  • 优化指南(相当高级的东西)
  • 此处,您可以在控制台和窗口中找到用于开发 win32 应用程序的汇编程序.它还包括 Windows SDK 和所有 win32 API 的描述
  • 这个似乎是一个不错的 GAS (GNU 汇编器)手册(如果您在 linux 上开发)
  • 一些示例(windows)
  • Here's a manual with more than 1400 pages and some exercises included, some chapters are focused on stuff like boolean algebra and system organization
  • Intel's documentation and manuals here, you shouldn't need this before a few years ;)
  • An optimization guide (quite advanced stuff)
  • Here you can find an assembler for developing win32 apps, both in console and in window. It also includes the windows SDK and a description of all win32 APIs
  • This seems to be a good GAS (GNU Assembler) manual if you're developing on linux
  • Some examples (windows)


09-14 21:18