


I was reading this article on wikipedia about list of assmeblies


原来那里有很多汇编语言..例如,如果您学习Yasm汇编语言,将很难阅读TCCASM代码?与所有其他asem ..语言完全不同吗?我想学习这种语言,但是我不知道该选择哪一种语言.如果您能为新手程序员推荐一些不错的书籍,这些书籍涵盖了汇编x86,那么我将不胜感激

turns out there are alot of assembly languages out there.. so for example if u learn the Yasm assembly language, would be hard to read the TCCASM code? is it like completely different than all the other asem.. languages? I wana learn this language but i dont know which one to choose.. if u could recommend some good books for novice programers that covers assembly x86 in general i would be more than grateful



  • 汇编语言(具有不同实现的抽象思想)
  • 汇编程序(一种程序,一种实现该语言的编译器(如果可以的话))
  • 语法(还有另一个特定于实现的细节;比较x86平台的AT& T和Intel语法)
  • 指令集(针对不同的CPU)

汇编语言的一般概念是一种.但是其实施例很多且不同(例如,MASM,TASM,NASM,(G)AS等).它们在支持的CPU和指令(子)集,支持的功能(例如,表达式,宏,对结构化编程的支持,对象/二进制文件格式)以及它们的外观(语法,助记符,指令,注释)方面有所不同. ).

The general idea of the assembly language is one. But its embodiments are many and different (e.g. MASM, TASM, NASM, (G)AS, etc etc). They differ in what CPUs they support and what instruction (sub)sets, what features they support (e.g. expressions, macros, support for structured programming, object/binary file formats) and what it all looks like (syntax, mnemonics, directives, comments).


If you know how to use one assembler for a specific platform, it shouldn't be very hard to learn another one. Likewise, if you know how to write assembly code for one platform, it shouldn't be much of a deal to learn to write asm code for another one. All that, of course, is true if you have a good understanding of at least one assembler and one instruction set.


09-27 08:42