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Hi Everyone.
I am new to OOP and trying to make class association in C#. I have two classes called Department and Employee.
I want to get all the employees in one Department and the other way around. I have searched on Google but was unlucky.I am not sure that the way I am doing is right or wrong.
Any help would be appreciated. Please see the code. Thanks in advance
public class Department
private int _DepartID;
private string _DepartName;
private string _DepartDescp;
public int DepartmentID
get { return _DepartID; }
set { _DepartID = value; }
public string DepartmentName
get { return _DepartName; }
set { _DepartName = value; }
public string DepartDescription
get { return _DepartDescp; }
set { _DepartDescp = value; }
public override string ToString()
return this.DepartmentID + " " + this._DepartName +" " + this.DepartDescription;
List<employee> EmployeeList=new List<employee>();
public List<employee> Empoyees(Employee objEmp)
return EmployeeList;
------------------------------------员工-------- ----------------
public class Employee
private int _employeeID;
private string _empFirstName;
private string _empLastName;
private string _empTitle;
public int EmployeeID
get { return _employeeID; }
set { _employeeID = value; }
public string EmpFirstName
get { return _empFirstName; }
set { _empFirstName = value; }
public string EmpLastName
get { return _empLastName; }
set { _empLastName = value; }
public string EmpTitle
get { return _empTitle; }
set { _empTitle = value; }
public override string ToString()
return this.EmpTitle + " " + this.EmpFirstName + " " + this._empLastName + " " + this._employeeID.ToString ();
-------------------Code behind button-------------------
Department obj_Depart = new Department();
Employee obj_Emp = new Employee();
obj_Emp.EmployeeID =1011;
obj_Emp.EmpTitle = "Mr";
obj_Emp.EmpFirstName = "Test1";
obj_Emp.EmpLastName = "Test2";
obj_Depart.DepartmentID = 1201;
obj_Depart.DepartmentName = "IT Department";
obj_Depart.DepartDescription = "Business center";
var allEmployees = Departments.SelectMany(d => d.EmployeeList);
if you want to get the deparment of an employee
var employeeDepartment = Departments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Employees.FirstOrDefault(e => e == employee) != null));
However, I think you will find it easier to have a Deparment
property in the Employee
class than to have a collection in the Department
Note: Using id''s for associations is more of a relational data concept, and you are in the object world with C#.
Your question is a bit unclear, so I am only guessing at what you want.
public class Department
public int DepartmentID { get; set; }
public string DepartmentName { get; set; }
public string DepartDescription { get; set; }
public class Employee
public int EmployeeID { get; set; }
public string EmpFirstName { get; set; }
public string EmpLastName { get; set; }
public string EmpTitle { get; set; }
public int DepartmentId { get; set; }
static void Main(string[] args)
//unlayered style
List<Department> departments = new List<Department>();
List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>();
Department d = new Department();
d.DepartmentID = 1;
d.DepartmentName = "xyz";
d.DepartDescription = "abc";
Department d1 = new Department();
d1.DepartmentID = 2;
d1.DepartmentName = "xyz2";
d1.DepartDescription = "abc2";
Employee e;
for (int i = 0; i < departments.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
e = new Employee();
e.DepartmentId = departments[i].DepartmentID;
e.EmpFirstName = "add";
e.EmpLastName = "test";
e.EmployeeID = 123;
e.EmpTitle = "adf";
//querying for an employee name in a particular department
string employeename = employees.Where(x => x.DepartmentId == departments.Where(y => y.DepartmentName == "xyz").Select(y => y).FirstOrDefault().DepartmentID).Select(x => x.EmpFirstName).FirstOrDefault();
//layered style - using Business Logic class to define an employee list prop which you can add to
DepartmentBL dbl = new DepartmentBL();
for (int i = 0; i < departments.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
e = new Employee();
e.DepartmentId = departments[i].DepartmentID;
e.EmpFirstName = "add";
e.EmpLastName = "test";
e.EmployeeID = j+1;
e.EmpTitle ="adf" + (j+1).ToString();
Console.WriteLine("Employees added :" + dbl.EmployeeList.Count.ToString());
Department和Employee数据类未定义任何操作,这些操作应该是单独的类(查找n层体系结构)的任务,在这种情况下为DepartmentBL(BL =业务层或逻辑).由于部门由"雇员组成,因此它公开了可以添加雇员"的雇员"列表属性.希望这在一定程度上有所帮助.
Department and Employee data classes don''t define any operation, that should be the task of a separate class (lookup n-tier architecture), in this case DepartmentBL (BL = Business Layer or Logic). It exposes an Employees list property that you can add Employees to, since a department "consists of" employees. Hope this helps to some extent.