我注意到,即使Windows 7的边框看起来像可调整大小的窗体,它也无法调整大小.
Hi all!
I have noticed that the form used to control the sound level in Windows 7 isn''t resizable, even though it has got a border looking like a resizable one.
I tested setting ''FormBorderStyle'' to ''Fixed'', but with the ControlBox-Property set to ''false'' there won''t appear any border at all.
Btw: By opening ''Mixer'' another form will appear, which hight cannot be changed.
Of course I could use MinSize/MaxSize properties to achieve such an effect, but unlike in the Windows-Form a resizable-cursor is still being shown when I try to resize the form.
So do you have any ideas of how to make a form behave similarly to the sound-level control window?
PS: sorry for english :)
Public Class Form1
Public Const WM_NCHITTEST As Integer = &H84
Dim _FixedState As FixedState = FixedState.Horizontal
Enum FixedState As Integer
None = 0
Horizontal = 1
Vertical = 2
Both = 3
End Enum
Enum HitTest As Integer
Caption = 2
Transparent = -1
Nowhere = 0
Client = 1
Left = 10
Right = 11
Top = 12
TopLeft = 13
TopRight = 14
Bottom = 15
BottomLeft = 16
BottomRight = 17
Border = 18
End Enum
Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As System.Windows.Forms.Message)
If m.Msg <> WM_NCHITTEST Or _FixedState = FixedState.None Then Return
If _FixedState = FixedState.Both Then
m.Result = New IntPtr(HitTest.Nowhere)
Select Case m.Result.ToInt32
Case HitTest.Top, HitTest.Bottom
If _FixedState = FixedState.Vertical Then m.Result = New IntPtr(HitTest.Nowhere)
Case HitTest.Left, HitTest.Right
If _FixedState = FixedState.Horizontal Then m.Result = New IntPtr(HitTest.Nowhere)
Case HitTest.TopLeft
m.Result = New IntPtr(CInt(IIf(_FixedState = FixedState.Horizontal, HitTest.Top, HitTest.Left)))
Case HitTest.TopRight
m.Result = New IntPtr(CInt(IIf(_FixedState = FixedState.Horizontal, HitTest.Top, HitTest.Right)))
Case HitTest.BottomLeft
m.Result = New IntPtr(CInt(IIf(_FixedState = FixedState.Horizontal, HitTest.Bottom, HitTest.Left)))
Case HitTest.BottomRight
m.Result = New IntPtr(CInt(IIf(_FixedState = FixedState.Horizontal, HitTest.Bottom, HitTest.Right)))
End Select
End If
End Sub
End Class
可以在此处查找枚举"HitTest" .
The enumeration ''HitTest'' can be looked up here.
The variable _FixedState sets whether the width/height or both properties are fixed.
For me it works quite well :D
Regards, Kai