



int main() {
 int (*x)[5];
printf("\nx = %u\nx+1 = %u\n&x = %u\n&x + 1 = %u",x,x+1,&x,&x+1);

这是用C或C ++的输出:

This is the output in C or C++:

x = 134513520
x+1 = 134513540
&x = 3221191940
&x + 1 = 3221191944


Please explain. Also what is the difference between:

INT X [5] INT(* X)[5]


  • INT X [5] 5整数数组

  • INT(* X)[5] 指针的5个整数数组

  • int x[5] is an array of 5 integers
  • int (*x)[5] is a pointer to an array of 5 integers
  • 当你增加一个指针,您可以通过所指向的类型的大小递增。 X + 1 因此, 5 *的sizeof(INT)字节不仅仅是放大X - 给 8048370 8048384 的十六进制值与0x14的,或20的差异

    When you increment a pointer, you increment by the size of the pointed to type. x+1 is therefore 5*sizeof(int) bytes larger than just x - giving the 8048370 and 8048384 hex values with a difference of 0x14, or 20.

    &放大器; X 是一个指针的指针 - 所以,当你增加它添加的sizeof(指针)字节 - 这给 bf9b08b4 bf9b08b8 的十六进制值,为4的区别

    &x is a pointer to a pointer - so when you increment it you add sizeof(a pointer) bytes - this gives the bf9b08b4 and bf9b08b8 hex values, with a difference of 4.


05-27 21:27