I found a method to play YouTube video on MPMoviePlayerController. For this simply need a right url. That url may be obtained after playing YouTube video in iframe. My UIWebView usesthis html:
<body style="margin:0">
<iframe class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="280"
height="200" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/VJRKaQ52ImE"
So after click on play in video rect, we can see msg in console like this:
YT_Player[1520:207] setting movie path: http://v12.lscache4.c.youtube.com/videoplayback?sparams=id%2Cexpire%2Cip%2Cipbits%2Citag%2Cratebypass%2Coc%3AU0hQR1NLVl9FSkNOMF9LRVpB&fexp=913518%2C904531%2C910211&itag=18&ip=
所以这里的问题是-如何获取YT_Player对象或如何生成正确的" URL?
So here the question is - how get YT_Player object or how to generate "right" url?
目前尚无官方API可以获取正确的" URL,而且可能永远也不会.请参阅底部的以下链接.
There is no official API to get the "right" url, and likely there never will be. See the following link on the bottom.
请注意,基于UIWebView的方法不会在MPMoviePlayerController中播放电影,而是在名为YTMoviePlayer的自定义类中播放.您可以通过播放电影来确认它,然后转储从[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow]开始的子视图层次结构.
Note that your method based on UIWebView does not play the movie in MPMoviePlayerController, but rather in a custom class called YTMoviePlayer. You can confirm it by playing a movie and then dumping the subview hierarchy starting at [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow].