0000 0109 1000 0001 6742 0020 e900 800c
3200 0001 68ce 3c80 0000 0001 6588 801a
据我所知, 0000 01 是标识NAL单元的起始前缀代码. "09 ...."是什么意思?是标头类型字节吗?
As far as I know, 0000 01 is the start prefix code to identify a NAL Unit. What does "09 .... " mean? Is it the header type byte?
0x000001是NAL起始前缀代码(也可以是0x00000001,具体取决于编码器的实现). 0x09为0b00001001,表示F = 0,NRI = 0,类型为0b01001.该特定类型是访问单元定界符.请注意,紧随其后的是另一个由0x67定义的NAL单元,它是NAL类型7,即序列参数集.
0x000001 is the NAL start prefix code (it can also be 0x00000001, depends on the encoder implementation). 0x09 is 0b00001001, which means F=0, NRI = 0, and type is 0b01001. That particular type is an access unit delimiter. Notice that it is immediately followed by another NAL unit defined by 0x67, which is a NAL type of 7, which is the sequence parameter set.
00 0001 68 ...
00 0001 68...
...and the start of a keyframe:
0000 0001 65 ...
0000 0001 65...
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