我已经开始使用 Android 架构组件(导航和安全参数、视图模型)以及 Koin 库.
I've started using Android Architecture Components (Navigation and Safe Args, View Models) along with Koin library.
目前,我在两个片段之间传递参数时遇到问题 - 我需要将字符串值从片段 A 传递到片段 B,在片段 B 中修改该值并将其传递回片段 A.
Currently, I've got a problem with passing arguments between two fragments - I need to pass a string value from fragment A to fragment B, modify this value in fragment B and pass it back to fragment A.
我找到了一种可能的解决方案 - 共享视图模型.不幸的是,这种方法有一个问题,因为我可以在屏幕之间传递和修改值,但是当片段 A 导航到另一个目的地时,共享视图模型中的值仍然存储而不是清除.
I've found one possible solution to my problem - shared view models. Unfortunately, this approach has one problem because I can pass and modify values between screens, but when the fragment A navigate to another destination the value in the shared view model is still stored and not cleared.
Android Navigation 中在片段之间传递和修改数据有什么不同的解决方案吗?我想避免手动清除这个值(当片段 A 被销毁时).
Is there any different solution of passing and modifying data between fragments in Android Navigation? I want to avoid clearing this one value by hand (when the fragment A is destroyed).
Android 刚刚为此发布了一个解决方案;在目的地之间传递数据(导航 2.3.0-alpha02),基本上,在片段 A 中,您观察变量的变化,而在片段 B 中,您在执行 popBackStack()
Android just released a solution for this; Passing data between Destinations (Navigation 2.3.0-alpha02), basically, in fragment A you observe changes in a variable and in fragment B you change that value before executing popBackStack()
片段 A:
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val navController = findNavController();
// We use a String here, but any type that can be put in a Bundle is supported
viewLifecycleOwner) { result ->
// Do something with the result.
片段 B:
navController.previousBackStackEntry?.savedStateHandle?.set("key", result)
这篇关于使用 Android 导航将数据传回上一个片段的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!